30+ Ways to Celebrate Back to School as a Family
With the Back to School season in full swing, we thought you might like some fun ways to celebrate the start of a new school year with your family! Here are 30+ ideas for Back to School crafts and treats you can create together, ideas for hosting your own Back to School party, as well as DIY teacher gifts, and loads of free school printables!
1. 20 Non-Sandwich School Lunch Ideas by Keeley McGuire
2. Pencil Treat Craft by Live Laugh Rowe
3. Back to School Shopping List Printable by Free Time Frolics
4. Apple Rice Krispies Treats by Celebrations
5. Back 2 School Printables by eighteen25
6. Back to School Printables & Party Ideas by The Tomkat Studios
7. Wheels on the Bus Craft by Make and Takes
8. Notebook Cover Tutorial from Sewn Up
9. Crayon Wreath Teacher Gift by Mom’s Party Café
10. Back to School Labels by babalisme
11. Back to School Treat Gift Tag Printable by eighteen25
12. Back 2 School Party Ideas by Divine Party Concepts
13. Back 2 School Countdown Printable by Crafty Confessions
14. Party Printables by Bird’s Party
15. Backpack Makeover for Boys by I Am Momma Hear Me Roar
16. Party Ideas & Décor by One Charming Party
17. Back to School Printable Tags by sissyprint
18. Printable Lunchbox Notes by ChiquitaMoms
19. Printable Lunchbox Menus by Classic Play
20. Butterfly Backpack Tutorial by Taidye Original
21. Printable Lunchbox Planner by A Little Delightful
22. Printable Lunchbox Notes by Happy Home Fairy
23. Printable Lunchbox Laughs by Kiki & Company (She has several versions, so look for other Lunchbox Laughs posts, too!)
24. Mater Sandwich by Funky Lunch
25. Zipper Mouth Pencil Case Tutorial by Make It & Love It
26. Sandwich Sleeve Printable by Little Lovely
27. Glue Stick Treat + Printable by The Celebration Shoppe
28. Pencil Cupcakes by Confessions of a Cookbook Queen
29. First Day Survival Kit Teacher Gift by Bee in Our Bonnet
30. School Lunches on a Budget Tips by SnackPicks
After I put this list together, I came across one more Back to School idea that this list wouldn’t be complete without. Swing on over and snag these FREE printable First Day of School Signs by Kindred Spirit Mommy to capture perfect first day of school pictures with your little ones!
Cute ideas. Thanks for sharing! My sons are a little older (11 an 14) so we’ll be playing a Price Is Right type game for them to win their school supplies. I’m hoping it will make back-to-school prep more fun for them and also eliminate arguing over who gets what (they’ll both get one of everything in the end, but due to available selection I don’t have everything in the same colors…which sometimes results in arguments…I know they’ll both want the black binder and not the white for example). I haven’t decided if I will put out two sets of items and give them prices for each item in their set and the one who matches the most correctly in their set gets the first choice of supplies out of everything; or if I will put out the items and give them both a set amount of Monopoly money and have them “bid” on which items they want. Hmmm….what do you think would be more fun I you were a tween and teen boy?
Whoops! Sorry for the typos. My brain got ahead of my fingers. 🙂
I like the bidding idea. Sounds fun! I’m sure they’ll love it. 🙂
These are all such great ideas! Thanks for including the Fairy!!!!
Thanks for including our 20 Non-Sandwiches post in your round up!
What CUTE things you found! I love it! Great job, Ang!! XO
You found some of the cutest stuff! Great round-up girl! xox
Thanks, Michelle!