The Best List of Game Ideas for the Family
When it’s time for some quality family time, we know we need a great list of fun games to play! And if you’re wondering how to make family game night fun, we’ve got the perfect list of games to try for you!
Fun family games are basically any game or challenge that can bring your family together! We’ve found 50 simple family games that you can play anywhere. From the best indoor games, to supply-free games, we’ve got them all below!
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We wanted to make life a little easier for you, so we separated this mega list of family games into a few easy categories!
- 16 Fun Family Games Where All You Need Is Pencil and Paper
- 18 Family Game Night Ideas with Few Materials
- 16 Family Games in the House or Yard
Your next family game night is going to be a blast! Let’s get started!
Fun Family Games to Play at Home
Easy prep is our kind of thing! First off, you’re going to want to grab some pens/pencils, and paper. That’s all you’ll need for these games! Then, select a game from the list below and get ready for some laughs.
1. Word Squares
Show your smarts, creativity, and skill with this fun game! Similar to the dot game, your goal is to create as many squares as possible, however, this has the addition of words! This is a great game to help littles with their reading. How many words can you create without getting blocked?!
This family game is such a fun one to play with a group of people, but it’s also a good one to get the creative juices flowing. It’s like a combination of Pictionary and Telephone – and the results are ALWAYS hilarious. First, you’ll want to start by writing a statement about someone in the room and pass it to the next person. After that, you’ll have them draw it! The link above has a printable template for you to use and more instructions.
Scattegories has always been one of our favorite family games, and this is like a homemade version of that classic fave. It includes fun printables and ideas! It also keeps the kids entertained and we have fun thinking of different 5-letter words and categories to use. Check out this Spouse Scattergories Game too!
4. Who Am I?
This is a game that everyone has probably played at least once at a party, and it’s also a quick and easy, last-minute, family game. To begin, each person gets 20 questions to find out “who they are.” For example, we like to use Disney characters and cartoons when we play with our little kids. Sometimes we’ll even use the names of our extended family!
In this game, everyone comes up with the name of a person (for example, it can be someone you know, a celebrity, etc.) but don’t tell anyone–write it down! After that, you’ll write the names on slips of paper which are then drawn. Clues are given, and everyone tries to guess who that person is! So fun, right?! This game is a great way to practice your acting skills.
This BINGO idea can be tweaked into the perfect fun family game for when you do feel like going out of the house! Plus, you still only need pens and/or pencils and paper. You can also probably get a little shopping done while you’re at it (wink).
7. Take a Hint
You’ll need 2 teams of 4 to play this fun and tricky game. You can give hints, but only have one chance to guess the word correctly. In other words, this is definitely a game you’ll want to check out!
This game is similar to Name that Tune, except you take turns seeing how many songs you can get your team to guess in 5 minutes. However, there’s a catch – you can only sing the word “doo.” So fun, right?! It’s also a great way to add a little extra music to your life.
9. Movie ID
This is such a fun one to add to your list of fun family games, but just a warning: it’s so addictive. You might find yourself playing it more than once! It’s a little bit like Catchphrase in that you’re trying to get your team to guess what’s on the card. However, it’s even better because you are bidding against another team to see who can get their team to guess with the least number of words. As a side note, it might be fun to add some prizes for the winners!
10. Hang Man
This is a classic family game that many of you have probably already played, but it never gets old. For example, many car rides in our family have been filled with hangman, but we never grow tired of playing it! Additionally, you can always make it more interesting by adding rules like, if you guess a wrong letter, you have to do a silly task or challenge.
11. 4 Papers
Firstly, choose a category and have each player write 3-4 things that fit the category on slips of paper that you will put into a pile. Split into 2 teams. After that, set the timer for 1 minute and each player tries to get their team to guess as many slips of paper as possible. If your turn ends and they haven’t guessed it yet, put it back in the pile for someone else. Players have 1 pass per round. If they pass; however, the paper goes back in the pile. Alternate between teams until all of the papers are gone. Teams get 1 point per correctly guessed slip. The team with the highest score wins! You could also incorporate ’round rules’ such as, “Describe the paper without using any words on the paper. Sound effects allowed. No actions.”
12. Reverse Charades
Don’t like the spotlight on you, but love to play group games? This game is perfect because you act as a group and one person is responsible for guessing the correct answer! First, grab some paper slips. After that, have everyone write down a few things to act out. You set the categories and determine how many points you need to win; however, you have a whole team by your side while you’re acting it out! If your teammate guesses correctly before the timer runs out, you get a point! This is one where you’ll want to have the camera ready.
13. What If?
In this game, someone starts by writing a “what if” scenario, and then passes it to the next person. After reading that first scenario, the next person folds it over and writes the “then” statement, folding the top part over again to cover up what they just wrote! Finally, once everyone has had a turn, you will open the paper and read it from start to finish! You’re sure to get some hilarious ‘stories’ with this game. In addition, it’s a great way for little kids to practice their creative writing skills.
This is a super funny, get to know you game/storytelling game, but it’s also super easy to play! Players come up with silly “What if?” statements and then answer to each other’s statements. The mismatched responses make it hilarious!
15. Mafia
You can’t trust anyone in this fun game, but you’ll never have more fun doing it! The goal of the game is to try and figure out who the members of the mafia are without knowing who you can trust – and before they murder you! For a fun group date version, check out this Murder Mystery Party that is SO fabulous! Plus, you get to wear costumes for that one!
16. Tech-Free Games
Are you wondering, “What are some fun games that DON’T include any technology?” Well, put those phones down and get ready to play some good old-fashioned pen and paper family games! There are plenty of included drawing, writing, and paper folding prompts on this list. Not to mention, these ideas could be used again and again and again.
Fun Family Games that Need No Materials
These fun family games will take you back to your college days or maybe even your elementary years. But, it doesn’t matter how old you are because these games to play with family are timeless!
17. Hot Lava
What kid hasn’t “invented” this game?! Playing it as a family game is a blast. But, there is one rule: don’t touch the floor – it’s lava! For even more fun, you could follow up this game by building a pillow or blanket fort.
When we were little, we would play hide and go seek all the time, but it was often at night. Whenever the person seeking got close to the person hiding, the hiding person would jump up and scare the seeker! It was terrifying, but we would always end up giggling. In the same vein, you can now create your own memories by playing this fun version with your own family! Additionally, you could follow up this game by doing shadow puppets.
19. The Greatest Game in the Universe
First, send three people out of the room. After that, choose a person, weapon/thing, and place. For example, a ballerina with a kite in the salon. Once you’ve chosen, bring the FIRST person back. He or she will ask someone “who” it was. That person will act out who it was. The first person will then ask someone else what the “weapon or thing” was. Similarly, it will be acted out. The first person will then ask someone else “where” it happened. After that, the SECOND person is brought back and the FIRST person acts out all three things for the second person. Similarly, the THIRD person is brought back and the SECOND person acts out all three things for the THIRD person. Finally, the THIRD person has to guess what the three things are. It is hilarious to see how it changes with each reenactment!
First, state 3 things about yourself, but only 2 can be true. After that, see if the other players can guess which statement is a lie. Everyone will learn more about each other!
21. Sardines
We used to play this clever spin on hide & seek ALL the time in college, but that doesn’t mean we should stop playing it now. It’s such a simple game, but it is hilarious every time. Best of all, no supplies are needed!
22. 4 on the Couch
The goal of this game is to try and get 4 people from your team on the couch but in a super crazy way! Sounds easy, right? Not necessarily! Without question, this is a great family game for reunions.
23. Signs
We love this quiet game where you try to be as sneaky as possible, but still have so much fun! The ultimate goal is to pass secret hand signs around, but without getting caught. If you are caught, you’re now IT!
24. The Bomber
The goal of this game (if you’re on the red team, that is) is to get the ‘bomber’ and the ‘president’ in the same room, but you have to do it by the end of the game. Additionally, the opposing team’s goal is to try and keep them apart. For full rules, be sure and download the free print and play version from the above link!
Try to not get caught by a ghost in this mashup of the classic family game, hide-and-seek!
26. Psychiatrist
This is one of the most fun games to play with a group. First, have one person (the doctor) leave the room. After that, everyone left picks an “illness.” Finally, the doctor returns and has to figure out what the illness is by just asking questions!
27. Hide & Seek
In this classic family game, one person is “it,” covers his/her eyes, and counts while everyone else hides. After that, the “it” person goes and hunts for the hiders, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. Meanwhile, the found hiders can either be out and wait for all hiders to be found, or they can also become another “it” person and help find the rest of the hiders. The last person found is the winner!
28. The Animal Game
Start playing this fun game by having everyone stand/sit in a circle. After that, have one person in the middle with their eyes closed. After that, they will spin in a circle or count to 10 while everyone else changes places in the circle. Then, the person in the middle points at someone and gives them a command to make a specific animal sound. For example, “bark like a dog,” or you can make it more fun like, “cackle like a chicken who is laying an egg.” The person being pointed at then has to make that sound, while the person in the middle has to guess WHO made the sound. I’m telling you, this family game cracks our crew up every time we play.
29. Would You Rather
You can play this game as described in the link, but you can also assign different sides of the room to be option 1 and option 2. First, have everybody answer by going to the side of the room that correlates with their option. By the way, we also have a Bedroom Edition for all you couples out there! 😉
This is a musical and fun family game where players alternately try to finish the lyrics of songs, but sometimes in a super crazy way. Seeing where these songs go is hilarious! Additionally, no supplies are needed except access to YouTube.
31. How’s Yours?
This game will have everyone trying to guess an object that people have in common, but it isn’t as easy as it seems. It’s so clever and super silly!
This game is perfect for when you want to leave the house, but you also don’t want to go too far. All you need to do is check out the instructions/printables and hit up ANY local market.
33. Secret Dancer
See if you can figure out who the secret dancer is in this hilarious family game! Plus, it’s a great way to work out those wiggles on days when you can’t or don’t want to leave the house.
34. Assassin
Little ones love this game (and adults too!) and it’s super fun trying to watch them wink! You’ll want to see if you can catch the winking assassin before he winks at YOU.
Fun Family Game Ideas to Play in the House or Yard
Find your silly side, but have the best time doing it! Some of these fun family games to play will make you laugh so hard your insides will hurt – in a good way! You’ll definitely want to read on to discover the fun.
Our kids love the flour game, but so do I! Firstly, you take a cup, fill it with flour (pack it in tight), then turn it over onto a plate, and carefully lift the cup. After that, you will have an upside-down, flour-shaped cup on the plate. Now, go ahead and set a small candy carefully on top of the flour cup. Meanwhile, take turns using a butter knife to cut off some of the flour structure, but try not to knock off the candy. The person who knocks off the candy has to retrieve it using only their mouth! It’s unexpected, but one of our favorite fun games to play at home.
36. The Cereal Box Game
See if you can pick up the cereal box in this funny game of flexibility. As the box or bag gets smaller, it also gets more difficult to reach! You can play this with a big brown paper bag; however, the classic cereal box is always a great choice.
Even the name sounds fun! This game is similar to hot potato, but instead of a potato, you pass around a camera pointed at your face that has a timer set. If it “flashes” while you are holding it, you not only get a funny selfie taken, but you can also do a silly “challenge” or “punishment” determined by the others.
38. Sticky Face
Raise your hand if you love sticky notes, but are looking for a fun way to use them! These silly sticky note games will have you racing to see who sticks the fastest!
39. Cotton Ball Glitz
In this crazy activity, players have to not only coat their noses with lotion but also have to see how many cotton balls they can get out of the bowl in a minute. However, they can only use their nose. In other words, this game is pure hilarity.
40. Bubble Game Race
This idea is great for either a family game or a party game, but we’ve played it just because. The goal of the game is to eat your way through whipped cream to find the gum, but there are no hands allowed! After that, you can celebrate by showing off your bubble gum blowing skills.
41. Mousetrap
Each player will need a pile of beans and a mouse. The “mice” are spools tied to 18 – 24″ of string/yarn. After that, all of the players put their “mice” in a little circle that could be covered by the “trap” – in other words, a pot lid. Meanwhile, the trapper rolls 2 dice and when they get doubles, they slam the lid down and try to catch the mice. If they catch none, they owe the other players one of their beans. However, if a mouse gets caught, they will give the trapper one of their beans. As far as family games go, this is our cabin classic.
42. Halt
Start by rolling up a dishtowel and taping it together. After that, have the players stand in a circle around it, but don’t let them touch it yet. One leader will call out another player’s name, and that player runs to the towel while everyone else scatters. After that, and once the player has the towel, they yell, “halt!” They then have 3 chances to throw the towel, but do so in hopes of hitting another player. Outside players can run and move after the towel hits the ground. However, if no one gets hit, the person with the towel is out. Now they get to choose the next thrower!
43. Spoons
This has got to be one of the most dangerously fun games to play. Introduce your family to the madness of Spoons but in the speediest way possible!
44. Iron Chef
Put your kitchen (and maybe even those leftovers!) to good use with this wild and crazy cooking competition. It’s a great way to turn an ordinary dinner on its head. We’ve also included some super cute printables!
45. Kick the Can
Did you ever play this classic game growing up? We have so many fun memories of this one. You’ll definitely want to click on the link for more directions!
46. Flashlight Tag
I’m pretty sure you can figure out this game from the title! However, it’s more fun than you think! Bring on the night games! For more specific directions, you’ll want to click on that link.
First off, you’ll want to grab a bunch of differently shaped kitchen items and put them in a large bag. After that, have everyone stick their hands in and feel the objects. No peeking of course, but they can start to imagine what’s in there! This game could also be great for an object lesson.
48. Liars Dice
If you’re looking for some fun games to play that are truly unique, this one makes the list! Try playing liars dice (just like Captain Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones!)
49. Crazy Face
We used to play this at camp, but we’ve been dying to play it again because it’s hilarious! Start by dividing into teams. After that, have one person on each team cover their face in shaving cream. Then, when you say, “go,” everyone else will start throwing cheese balls at their face to try to get them to stick. Finally, at the end of 1 minute, stop and see who has the most cheese balls stuck to their face. That team wins, but everyone will have had a blast!
50. Minute to Win It
Can you complete these challenges in under a minute? Check out the link above for ideas, or browse all of our Win it in a Minute Ideas!
For even more ideas for fun family games, check out:
Very Nice games for playing
This is the most comprehensive list of family games I’ve seen. I could get rid of my “kids” board on pinterest and probably not miss it!
We are alwys in need of new games to play. I am excited to try some of these out!
SO much fun! THANKS!!!
So many fun games!! 😍
We laughed SO hard playing reverse charades! LOL!
I am absolutely saving this post!! SOOO many great games! My favorite so far has been reverse charades!! 🙂
wow i found amazing games among the list, thank you very much i have to keep myself busy in this covid-19 LOCKDOWN
Oh, that’s GREAT NEWS!! We are SO happy that you’ve been able to use some of these ideas to keep life fun during this time!! Thanks SO much for your comment!!
Thank you for sharing these ideas with us, some of the games sound so much fun and for sure kids will enjoy them as well.
You are very welcome! Have so much fun playing with your kiddos!!! XO
Great post.
Keep this going please, great job!|
Thanks so much!! We’re so glad to hear that you like the ideas!! You may also love all the ideas on this post: Enjoy!!! 🙂
the links to rules for games are broken
Hello there! Thanks for your comment! Is there a specific game that you were trying to use with a broken link? If so, please email us at and our amazing customer service team can help! Thanks!
All Games are really awesome.Please add some adventure games please.
Thanks! That’s a great idea! We’ll look into it! 🙂
THIS is a post I could get behind. lol I LOOOOVE games and anything that makes me laugh is even better! SO many fun ideas! It’s going to be hard to pick which one to do first!!