Done-For-You Babysitter Information Sheet & Activities!
Getting everything organized to leave the house for a date night can be STRESSFUL! Worrying about your little ones while trying to enjoy a date night out can ruin all the fun as a couple. With our Babysitter Information Planning Binder and Babysitter Activities for Kids – leaving your kiddos home with the babysitter just got easier! This babysitter information sheet printable pack includes an easy way to organize all the important information for babysitters PLUS a super fun activity pack for the kids to enjoy while you are away!
We know the stresses of leaving little ones at home with a babysitter can put a damper on date night so we have the perfect solution for you! We have not one but TWO great ways to make the transition out the door flawless! Our super talented Diva Designer Courtney from All Things Bright and Beautiful has pulled out all the stops on these one-of-a-kind Babysitter Information Sheet designs! With her gorgeous graphics and colorful designs, the printable bundle is both functional and beautiful!
You can choose from:
The Babysitter Information Sheet Printable Pack
The perfect place to keep all of the important information your babysitter needs to know in one convenient location! Things like emergency contact information for babysitters and other important information for babysitters can be inserted into a binder and left on the counter for easy access. Leave all your worries behind with this babysitter information sheet pack!
Babysitter Activities for Kids: Camping Edition
The first of a series of fun activities that the babysitter can do with the kids while you are away! No more wondering what to do with the babysitter or how to be a FUN babysitter, we’ve done all the work for you! Just print out this super fun babysitter activities pack and let the sitter take care of the rest. Your kids will be begging you to go out again!
Check out the details for what is included in each of these two amazing printable packs:
Babysitter Information Sheet Binder
Watch this video from The Dating Divas’ You Tube Channel to see the printable pack for yourself and then scroll down for more details.
This babysitter information sheet printable binder pack has everything you need to be able to leave the house with a peace of mind! In one simple location, your babysitter can access all of the important information to help make the evening a success!
You can use the gorgeous binder and spine cover to dedicate a 3 ring binder to keep all of your information together in one place. Then, fill out and insert the pages of the Babysitter Information Sheet Binder.
The Babysitter Information Sheet Binder Kit includes:
- Emergency Contact Information for Babysitters
- House Rules and Guidelines
- Mealtimes and Bedtimes
- Allergy Alerts
- Sleeping and Eating Schedules (Specifically for Baby)
- Information about Each Child
- Notes for the Babysitter
No more worrying that you forgot to relay important information to your babysitter! You have it all in one place – all the time! Amazing!
And if that wasn’t enough – our Babysitter Information Sheet Binder Pack ALSO includes some help for the sitter! Check this out…
How To Be A Fun Babysitter
This Babysitter Information Sheet Binder Kit also includes:
Special Letters for your Kids
Beautifully-designed “Open When…” letters for the kids that lets you leave simple notes for your kids to read while you are away.

Babysitter Bucks Rewards System
A Babysitter Bucks reward system helps ensure good behavior with the babysitter! Kids can earn bucks throughout the evening and redeem them for set rewards that you choose!
Can you imagine leaving for date night without the hassle of spouting off information to your babysitter? This way you never miss important information and you can know that your children are in safe, knowledgeable hands!
This entire binder set is yours for just
To make your evening away more special for the kids, check out the
Babysitter Activities For Kids: Camping Activity Set
See the Camping Kit in action in this NEW Diva video and scroll down for more details and images!
Our Babysitter in a Bag series includes prepared activities to leave behind with the babysitter. The kids will be so excited to find out what’s in the bag that they won’t be sad when you leave! And you can completely enjoy date night! This Babysitter in a Bag set is the first of a series of amazing kids activities that will have your little ones wanting you to leave on date night! All of the activities are easy to prep and can be placed in a bag – ready for the babysitter to start the fun!
Our first Babysitter in a Bag printable pack takes your kids on an amazing CAMPING adventure! The pack includes activities and ideas for the kids to do with the babysitter that all have to do with the great outdoors!
Inside the Babysitter Activities Camping Bag you’ll find:
- A Nature Scavenger Hunt (with indoor and outdoor options!)
- Camping Bingo Activity Set
- Scouting Badges for Activity Winners
- Unique Ideas for Camping-themed Snacks (plus printables!)
- Play Dough Activity Challenges
- Recipe for Indoor S’mores
- and even more fun ideas!
So much fun right? There is plenty to do to keep the kids busy and having a blast! They won’t even know you were gone and you can enjoy your date night worry-free!
Check out some of the gorgeous printables that are included in this pack:
Camping Bingo Activity for Kids
The camping bingo card set includes 6 individual playing cards in a variety of colors!
Campers Scouting Badge
And for the winners of the games we have 8 different special scouting badges the kids can earn!
This entire fun-filled evening can be yours for only
The Babysitter Organizational Binder and The Babysitter in a Bag Camping Kit go perfectly together! Both make leaving your kids with the babysitter a breeze and because we love you – we are offering our readers BOTH our Babysitter Organizational Binder Set AND The Babysitter in a Bag Camping Kit in a special combined offer price!
You can get BOTH of these amazing printable sets for just
Leaving kids with a babysitter can be stressful on both the parents and the kids but this printable bundle is sure to make the transition easy-peasy! Speaking of babysitters – have you considered starting a babysitting co-op? If you haven’t heard of a babysitting co-op you must check out our post on How To Organize a Baby-sitting Co-op! It makes finding a reliable babysitter much easier! And you could totally incorporate this binder and activity bag into your group!
Keep checking back with us–
there are even MORE darling Babysitter in a Bag sets coming your way!
And if you LOVE camping as much as we do, don’t forget to check out our printable Family Camping Trip Kit!
This sucker is loaded with EVERYTHING you need to organize your next camping trip and makes it easier than ever! Including…
- Camping Binder with a Packing Checklist and To-Do List to help take the stress out of preparing for your camping trip!
- Camping Menu to make meal planning a breeze!
- Camping Games for some fun family bonding around the campfire.
- Scavenger Hunt to keep the kiddos entertained around the camp site.
- Campfire S’mores Kit to make the BEST part of camping an even bigger treat!