The Effect of Positive Thoughts
If you’ve ever participated in our Successful Marriages Tele-Retreat or read our A to Z Guide: 26 Ways in 26 Days to a Happier Healthier Marriage, you will already know WHY we love Hilary Weeks and her Billion Clicks project and you’ll want to skip to the end of the post to grab your Clicker Kit (if you already have one – grab a few for Christmas gifts). If you are unfamiliar with Hilary Weeks and clicking positive thoughts, read on.
One of the best ways you can improve your marriage is by focusing on the positive! Rather than filling your mind with frustrations like “Ugh! I wish (insert hubby’s name) would rinse out his dishes and get them in the dishwasher!” or “I don’t get why he leaves his towel on the floor two steps away from the towel rack!”, fill them with positive thoughts. We all know that what we focus on GROWS! When you focus on the positive things your husband does, you will FIND more positive and have a happier marriage!
You can even change the story in your mind about those things that were once annoyances to make them something you are grateful for. Lets go back to the towel on the floor and the dishes in the sink. Rather than being frustrated that I am putting his dishes in the diswasher and towel on the rack, the story in my mind can go something like this: “I’m so grateful my husband rushes out the door to work in the morning so he can be home in time to watch over the kids so I can focus my attention on dinner prep!” In that light, I’m happy to take two seconds to take care of his dishes and towel because I know he’s in a hurry to get home early and bless my late afternoon! We choose all day long how the story goes. We can attack or give the benefit of the doubt. The more attacking thoughts we have, the more unhappier we are in our marriages and vice versa.
If you’re ready to start making this big switch in your mind that could lead to your happily ever after, watch this video from Hilary Weeks about her Billion Clicks project.
Seems so simple, right?! We KNOW you can change your marriage easily, simply by clicking your positive thoughts about yourself, your spouse, and your marriage. Will you help Hilary get to a billion clicks by tracking your positive thoughts about your marriage? When you order the Clicker Kit, you also get an additional clicker, wristband, and sticker – so your husband can join you. OR, you can take the clicker challenge with a friend! Use code DIVAS756 to get the extras!
Also, when you enter your clicks at, you can receive a free digital kit with downloadable quotes, wallpaper and more. Fun, huh?! Who’s in? Such a great month to start this with the focus on Thanksgiving and GRATITUDE!
Love this idea!
Valerie, we are so glad you like it! Thank you so much for reading. XO
I love this order. I too went to order this and it says that the coupon code was not found or is invalid.
I love this idea. I went to order one for my husband and I and it says that the coupon code was not found or invalid?
Totally agree- she is so inspiring:) I’ve loved listening to her at our Tele-retreats and would love to hear her in person one day!
I love Hilary Weeks! Her message to spread happiness & positivity everywhere is inspiring. 🙂