Love Challenge- Day 27
The Dating Divas 30 Day Love Challenge
Can you believe that we’re already on Day 27 of our Love Challenge?! We’ve got some rockstars in this challenge and we LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the beautiful pictures you’ve shared with us. Don’t forget to TAG us on Instagram at @datingdivas. Today’s challenge requires a little bit of planning, so take a gander at the materials list and get ready for a fun night!
Pillow Talk Card
Spouse Sleepover Invitation Printable
Picture of You
Sleeping bags or Blankets & Pillows
Yummy Treats
Scary Stories
Head over to our Spouse Sleepover Date to snag a SUPER CUTE invitation to give to your spouse for a fun date night! Scroll through that post to get ALL of the details! You can do all or part of that date… depending on what you think you and your sweetie would enjoy the most!!
Do you remember how excited you used to get as a kid whenever you had a slumber party? Staying up into the wee hours of the morning, eating tons of snacks, and watching as many movies as we could created so many fun memories! You don’t have to miss out on those fun times just because you’re an adult. Make a sleepover date night for just the two of you! We also have a GREAT Pillow Talk Card which is perfect for late night discussions as you snuggle up in your sleeping bags. Don’t forget to bring yummy treats, great movies, a few games, and of course, scary stories!
Tomorrow’s love challenge is all about crafting personal and wonderful love coupons for your spouse!
P.S. Don’t forget to snap a PIC and post it to your Instagram Feed with the hashtag #Divas30DayLoveChallenge to enter to be one of our 30 Grand Prize Winners and follow us on Instagram {@datingdivas} to see what the NEXT challenge will be!
P.P.S.If you have already done this idea OR you don’t think your sweetie would enjoy this… feel free to browse our “Quick & Easy” section and choose another FUN idea you can whip out today!
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ALL #Divas30DayLoveChallenge POSTS
If you stumble upon the #Divas30DayLoveChallenge AFTER it’s already started, no worries – you can still join in! Jump in at any time! Start with the first informative post below and start working your way through! Click the link{s} below to see previous posts. Have fun!}
I’m unable to access the Pillow Talk link as well. I tried downloading it from different computers and kept getting a 404 error.
Sorry! Our site was experiencing issues. Try it again and it should work! XOXO
I cannot get the pillow talk card link to work – is there another link I can use? Working link for Pillow Talk printable 🙂
Will we get a little heads up for valentine’s day so that we can plan ahead??