Halloween is just around the corner! I love this Holiday- there are so many creative opportunities to decorate, craft delicious recipes, and have fun with loved ones. When I ran across this fun saying by Shirley Thomas, “I can’t stop falling in love with brew,” I knew I wanted to use it in a “Spooktacular” love note for my husband. The lovely team at Merrymint Designs created this adorable printable using this catch line.
All you need to do for this quick and easy craft project is to cut out the design along the outer edges. Then, use a large craft punch to cut out the circular opening (an X-acto knife would work great too!). Fold along the dashed line and place the tag over your hubby’s favorite drink of choice. In our case, I slipped the opening over a bottle of James’ favorite root beer.
This is the cutest printable ever, Candice!! What a fun idea!! XOXO
I used this printable for my hubby tonight. I attached this to a one unique bottle of rootbeer and placed it in a basket with a few other different drinks and candy. He loved it! Thanks for making my Halloween treat easy! xox <3
That’s awesome, Michelle! So glad he liked it 🙂
Hi Ladies! I have a question – my hubs and I were on a date last night, and the topic of ‘date night rules’ came up. Do you have any code of conduct for setting up dates or making sure that you stay focused on each other for the time you’ve set aside to be together? It occurred to us sometime between when he checked his e-mail at dinner and I fell asleep during the movie that we might need to set some ground rules.
What a great question, KP! One thing that has helped in my marriage is leaving little notes the day before or text messages the day of communicating how much I’m looking forward to our date. You could even send him clues/teasers as to what the date night will be about….anything to heighten the anticipation of your time together! We also try and get dressed up when we go out to dinner- something to break up our routine… so date night doesn’t turn into another item to check off the “to-do” list. If you or your spouse are glued to technology, you could decide together that checking cell phones is off limits during date night.
I bet some of the other Divas and/or our readers might have some suggestions too.
“Date Night Rules” is a good topic to have together to get on the same page! I’m sure every couple is different but here’s what we do. We have one quality date a week with NO KIDS allowed! Sometimes it’s an at-home date after the kiddos are in bed, but we try to do at least one out-of-the-house, get-a-sitter date a month. We take turn planning the date. When it’s my turn, I try to plan something I know he will especially like. On his turn, he tries to plan something he knows I will especially like. On date night we don’t answer the phone and we try to get “dressed up” for each other like we did when we first started dating. Just putting on some lip gloss and perfume can get you out of “mommy” mode and into “wife” mode. If I’m really tired from a long day with the kiddos- then we play a game or plan something more interactive, instead of just watching a movie (which will ALWAYS put me to sleep.) And I’m with Candice, some flirting via text before the date always helps add some romance and anticipation to the night.
Here are some helpful hints from Tara:
“Our MAIN rule – cell phones OFF!! If it’s date night at home… computers OFF! 🙂 I’d also suggest treating it as you would if you were single… think back to those days – you dressed UP, paid attention to the time to make sure you weren’t late, & planned ahead. I would also suggest that the two of them decide how often they are doing date night AND who is in charge… I think all of us do it in completely different ways – but I would highly recommend trying to fit in one quality date night in per week – whether it be at home after the kidlets are in bed or out on the town. It’s SO important to get that quality one-on-one time.”
Tara also suggests holding hands and ending your date with “a fabulous lingering kiss!”
Let us know how things go and if you find that something works particularly well!
THanks so much ladies! I’ll keep you in the loop!