Let’s Make a Deal Game
Game shows were kind of a big deal at my house. The Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy were big events! My family would watch together and yell our own answers at the screen so loudly: “Answer in the form of a question!”
We here at The Dating Divas put our thinking caps on to figure out how we could bring some of that fun to you. So fashioned after the TV game show, this Let’s Make a Deal game will have you jumping up and down, getting advice from the audience (also known as your friends), and laughing the night away with your sweetie. Choose between doors 1, 2, or 3 and hope you don’t get ZONKED!
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Game Show Group Date
We love playing games and this group date is no exception! My hubby and I both feel like group dates are our favorite dates! We put together some fabulous printables to help make your group date a success. So check out these cute ZONK signs! If you’ve seen the Let’s Make a Deal game show, you know how necessary those are!
Send these cute Let’s Make a Deal games invite to a few of your favorite couples. Did you see those cute little doors? There is a top page and a back page to each invite. Now, use an Exacto knife to cut out each door and then glue the back page onto the top page. Fill in all of the important date info behind each door and… wait for it…
BAM! Your super cute invite is done! Open each door to find out all of the details.
How to Play Let’s Make a Deal
When playing the Let’s Make a Deal game, each contestant is trying to get the best deal possible without knowing what the next deal will be. All of the prizes are hidden behind boxes, envelopes, or curtains. So, when the first contestant comes to the “stage” to play the game, offer them a choice between two different items. Remember they’re all concealed, so it’s a guessing game.
From that point the host can decide to end that contestants game, by revealing what’s inside their envelope, or offer them another option.”Keep what you got or trade it in for what’s in box #2!” Sounds familiar, right?! This is when it really gets good! Sometimes the new deal is much better than the first prize or it’s completely TERRIBLE like some old socks, a box full of bugs, or a sculpture made out of old chewing gum. That’s a ZONK! Each member of your group date will be a contestant and hopefully get an awesome deal at the end! BUT, I have to say, when my best friend came away with a box of fake mustaches we all laughed a lot!
At the end of the night, the person with the best prize can trade it in for the final deal! Bring your friend up and see if they want to give up their gift for another mystery prize. If they decline, move on to the person with the 2nd best deal. It’s a bit of a gamble, but the suspense is so fun! Need a refresher on the show? Check out the official Let’s Make a Deal TV show HERE where you can watch exactly how it works.
How to Host Let’s Make a Deal Game Show
With a little preparation and a few trips to the Dollar Store, you’ll be on your way to a fabulous group date night!
- Step One – Most important, gather your prizes. To play Let’s Make a Deal, you’ll need great prizes, cheap prizes, and bad/funny prizes. Head to the Dollar Store and gather a few different party gifts (bubbles, toys, candy, drinks). This might be a good place to grab some bad prizes too! Next, figure out some of your good prizes, and one grand prize. Gift cards work great and everyone LOVES them!
- Step Two – Of course, we’ve put together a Let’s Make a Deal Host game guide to make the gameplay easier and help organize your prizes. Without a doubt, we’ve set you up for date night success! Each deal should have a good prize and a bad prize {ZONK!} or a good prize and an AH-some prize! Use the guide to plan out the gameplay deals for each guest.
- Step Three – Put on your host face! My hubby and I teamed up as the host. That way we both got to play, host, and watch the fun! Generally, hosting is pretty easy. Use the guide to help you know what you’re offering each contestant and do your best to keep your host face/poker face from giving away any of your secrets. As a rule of thumb, we always had 3 different prizes for each contestant. Sometimes they might only need 2 choices, but it’s good to have the 3rd prize just in case.
Game Show Prizes
I pulled out some old Christmas gift bags to put most of my prizes in. For some of the bigger prizes, I used a blanket and the smaller prizes went into a printable Let’s Make a Deal game envelope, undoubtedly perfect for gift cards!
I really REALLY loved buying ZONK prizes! My favorites were a box of Chinese finger traps, a box full of bugs, and a plastic coconut bra that I really wanted my hubby to get! I picked up all of them at my neighborhood Dollar Store.
And then when your guests arrive, make sure everyone gets a “contestant” name tag and then let the games begin!
That’s about it! So grab your Let’s Make a Deal game printables and plan your next group date today!
You said in step two that you had put together a let’s make a deal host game guide. But I couldn’t find it anywhere so I’m still not sure how to play this game.
Hey Margo! If you scroll down to the bottom of the post, you’ll see a pink rectangle with white text that says “Click to Download”. If you click that button, a new window will pop open with the free printables including the host guide.
You come up with so many fun games to try with your mate. This one is so cute. Love the printables.
Thank you Mara!! We are SO thrilled to hear that you love this idea! Thanks for taking the time to let us know! XOXO
We are totally trying this- thanks!
This looks SO fun!!
Those printables!! What a fun idea!
How many couples do you suggest?
I would say it would be the most fun with at least 2 other couples. If you want to host a really large group you could put names in a hat and draw out the name of each contestant!
How do I get to the Host Guide? I’m so excited to do this with my group!
Hello there! The host guide is part of the printables download file! At the bottom of the post, you will see the place where you can download all the printables for your party! Have SO much fun, and let us know how everything turns out!! XOXO
Jamie LOVES this show!!! This would be such a fun date idea!!! Thanks for putting this together. I can’t wait to try it out!