Everyone deserves a little TLC every now and then, so why not spoil your spouse a bit with a massage? What makes this extra special is it’s totally out of the blue and NOTHING is expected in return. SO, intercept your spouse when they get home from work or after the kids go down and give them a quick massage. They will be in heaven and won’t know what came over you {Oh Yeah Baby}! An additional plus is it really only takes a few minutes of your time to let your spouse know just how much you appreciate and love them!
If it just so happens that you sweep your spouse off their feet and they want to make a night out of it in the future (so you BOTH benefit!), check out this Spa Night that is guaranteed to make you melt in each others arms! And if you need some massage tips – here is a post ALL about that! We Divas LOVE to spoil our spouses {and BE spoiled}! {Wink!}
A GREAT lotion is Mint Bliss by Mary Kay. My man loves the fresh, “tingling” sensation. His exact words were “Why do my legs feel spicy?!”
Hi Jessica- I love your mans description of the lotion. Spicy! That’s great. I have a similar lotion and love it. Thanks for the suggestion.
Massages are my FAV!! Thanks for the suggestion! XOXO
Thanks Tara!
This is definitely one of the ways you can show your love to someone! One way to say thank you for being a good spouse and for working hard for the family. This is a very practical yet romantic way to express your feelings :))
Thanks Anamika! I totally agree. You don’t have to go out of your way to let the people you care about most know how much you love them!