Fireplaces aren’t as common as they used to be these days. With all of the growing technology in heating these days, it’s a lot easier to just push a button on the thermostat. BUT if you don’t have a fireplace, chances are that you don’t have a chimney either! Well, what is poor Santa to do??? He’s going to have a hard time putting presents under your tree with a bunch of locked and dead-bolted doors! Let’s face it, the older the kiddos get, the more they notice. Do not panic just yet, because there IS a solution! All Santa really needs is a key…..
It’s just as easy as leaving out cookies and milk for Jolly Old St. Nick, in fact, probably even easier! I’ve already made up some fun Santa Tags to adorn your Magic Key!
And just in case your giving these as gifts to all your LUCKY family, friends, and neighbors, I made up a printable just for YOU with this adorable message to boot!!
“This key is very special you see,
because we don’t have a chimney.
It won’t work for you or for me,
so hang it on your door and let it be.
Go to bed and worry no more,
Santa will use it to open the door.
Close your eyes and close them tight,
because The Jolly Old Man is coming tonight!!”
To find your Magic Key, head to your nearest Target or Walmart and check out their ornament aisle. That is where I found this little number! If you CAN wait until next year, buy the key after Christmas for a lot less. I believe I bought these last year for a quarter…..A QUARTER!!!
So this year when your kiddos ask, “Mom, how is Santa going to get our presents under the tree without a chimney?” You’ll know just what to say!! My kids love hanging the key out on the doorknob for Santa every year and I know yours will too!!
Printables Designed by Lisa M. Exclusively for The Dating Divas
Lisa M.
I am a wife to one, mom to five, and pet owner to two. I consider myself very fulfilled in this journey we call life. If you were to visit my home, you would quickly discover that my kids come first and above all else. They keep me busy and on my toes, which doesn't leave a lot a wiggle room for much else. But somehow we make it all work and keep chugging along. My husband, Dom, is my rock. He helps me keep my head on straight when I need it the most. I love all the moments that I get to spend with my husband, children, family and friends. They bring me endless joy every day and I cherish them all. In my "extra" time I enjoy movies, girls nights out, date nights, shopping, projects, vacations and sometimes.........doing nothing at all!!
I love this idea! I never had a fireplace growing up so I always wondered how Santa got in to our house. This would be perfect!