Send Him a Flirty “I Love You” Note!

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Flirty Love Note Idea

Welcome back to our LOVE ON THE RUN series! If you are new to these cute posts airing EVERY FRIDAY, check out all the details HERE.


Today’s love on the run tip features a flirty and EASY way to say “I Love You” to your sweetheart!


Before he heads out for the day, slip this fun note into his wallet! Can you imagine the grin on his face when he reads this flirty message?



If you like the idea of leaving something thoughtful in his wallet, you won’t want to miss this post on how to create an Origami Heart out of a dollar bill!  And, if you have a couple of extra minutes for some crafting fun, check out Lisa P.’s idea to Update the Photos in your spouse’s wallet…  Super easy and fast ways to show your spouse that you are thinking of them!

See you next Friday for another romantic idea!


I married my college sweetheart and am a mama to 2 adorable Shih-Tzu puppies. I have a passion for making handmade cards, discovering new recipes, and savoring travel adventures abroad.

Learn more about Candice
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  1. I did his last night. Hubby had to go to the supermarket so I secretly placed a note in his wallet. When I got a phone call (surprise!) he was actually speechless at first! He said that as he pulled out his EFTPOS card the note fell out. A lady picked it up for him and said “‘I love you’ (written on reverse of the note) that sounds interesting”, so he opened it up and read it out loud (in front of 4 ladies). They thought it was hilarious and ‘spicy’, and he was very surprised! Thanks for the great idea. 🙂