Hey everyone! My name is Molly Gray and I am currently a journalist and graduate student at USC. I love writing and photography and exploring new places. I blog about my adventures at A Molly of All Trades. You can also find lots of fun crafting and cooking tutorials. I am a tomboy at heart and I am really excited to be working with the Dating Divas and sharing my sporty date ideas with you!
Super Bowl Sunday: the “most epic day of the year.”
At least according to the commercials.
But why ask the commercials when you can just ask Tom Brady!
When Brady and the Patriots take on Eli Manning and the Giants, it’s going to be a game to remember, so why not make it a date to remember as well?
If one or both of you and your spouse love football, it’s definitely a night to plan date night. Sometimes there is nothing better than hanging on the couch and watching the game — not to mention the commercials!
The game starts at 6:30 EST, so depending on what part of the country you are in, planning a great dinner or lunch is the only way to start a Super Bowl Super Date. And since it is a bowl game, how about challenging yourself to making a completely bowl-friendly meal?
Here are some recipes for fun foods you can serve in a bowl:
Peanut butter cookie parfait (for dessert)
If you aren’t partial to either of the teams, flip a coin to choose who his going to root for which team and then dress up in team colors for some friendly, flirty competition!
And for the next step: during dinner, each of you can fill out a game scorecard. Make predictions about the score, the stats and the outcome of the game!
Print out the game scorecards!
Don’t worry ladies if you aren’t sports-savvy I have filled out a sample scorecard. The beauty about football is that the stats are never the same and it’s really fun to see how your predictions turn out!
You can wager what you want on the outcome of the game — doing the dishes, foot massages, breakfast in bed, watching a Jazz game over The Notebook, etc. And if you want to make it a couples’ night, fill out the scorecard with your hubby and battle against your friends!
Another fun option for Super Bowl Sunday is to throw a great watch party for all of your friends!
Here are some basic tips for hosting a party to remember:
#1) Finger foods are the key! You can either stick with the traditional chips and dip and pretzels (always a crowd favorite) or for a more sophisticated crowd, smoked turkey wraps sliced into bite-sized pieces works great too!
But keep in mind if you are going to be making anything in the oven that needs to served warm, serve it during the pregame and first quarter so that you don’t have to spend any of the game in the kitchen. Save the room temperature and chilled appetizers for later in the game.
#2) Have people write their names with Sharpie on their paper plates and cups to reduce the amount that are going to pile up near the trash can.
#3) Set up a couple televisions if you have the space. Rooms get crowded and people like to be able to get up and walk around — the game does last about 5 hours with commercials and halftime after all — so having two rooms going is a nice way to keep people comfortable.
#4) You can decorate with team color streamers and by cutting jerseys out of construction paper and hanging them with clothes pins on string around the room or over the food table.
#5) But most importantly, remember to keep it simple and casual! There is nothing people want more than to relax during the Super Bowl!
For more amazing delicious recipes that The Divas’ husbands love, check out our Dating Divas Recipes Revealed Cookbook!
Can you make this score card for this year’s super bowl???
SUCH a fabulous date idea, Molly!! Now THIS is something I can see my husband totally getting into! Love the clever ideas….and I am all about a little friendly competition! lol
Such a cute idea! Thanks:)
LOVE the score card idea. I am not that into football, but turn something into a contest where I can “win” and oh, I am there!
Hubby has to work during the 1/2 half, so we’ll be watching the second 1/2 together!
nice tip to spend the super bowl. i am not a sports fan but my hubby is so i want ot do this with him. thanks girl.
Love this idea! Thanks Molly for sharing!! 😉