Our readers always ask for it… and we will ALWAYS deliver! If you are stuck on your food this Valentine’s season, BOY have we got you covered! My mouth has been watering writing this post! They all look amazing… they just have to taste simply incredible, right!? We hope your Valentine’s is special this year. A huge thanks to our talented blogger friends who shared their treats and ideas!!
- Love Potion Drink Labels {The Dating Divas} – Add “love potion” to the menu for your upcoming Valentine’s Day party. Adorable & free Love Potion Printables that you can put on any bottled beverage.
- Cookie Valentine’s {Eighteen25} – Hand out Cookie Valentines this year. Make some yummy Peanut Butter and M&M cookies (or your own favorite cookies) and package them into fun cd sleeves!
- Strawberry Heart Homemade Oreos {Thirty Handmade Days} – Fun Valentine cookies- PINK strawberry oreo hearts! Plus a free “I heart you” printable!
- Valentine Tea Bags {FunkyTime} – A fabulous “how to” make your very own heart shaped tea bags. Relax and soak up the love!
- G, PG, Pg-13 Cookies {HowDoesShe?} – Three exciting ways to decorate a heart shaped sugar cookie. Rate them G, PG, or even PG-13! You do NOT want to miss out on this one!
- Hearts on a Stick {HowDoesShe?} – This is a very fast and easy treat for kids and adults. Plus it tastes soooo yummy!!
- Anniversary, In the Kitchen {The Dating Divas} – Love fruit tarts?? This is a very cute and unique way to show your love for someone special! ….plus…a lot MORE fun ideas that you could use for Valentine’s Day OR another special occasion…say….your anniversary! 🙂
- Valentine’s Twinkies {Somewhat Simple} – Quick and easy strawberry shortcake ala heart shaped twinkies! Dessert NO ONE will forget!
- Valentine’s Day Peanut Butter Blossoms {Eighteen 25} – Can’t get any cuter than these!! A favorite combination…peanut butter and chocolate! A crowd pleaser every time!
- Stained Glass Heart Cookies {Brown Paper Packages} – Fun to make, yummy to eat–these cookies are perfect for home, classroom, parties, and giving away to a special someone!
- Evil Treats for the Sweetest Sweet {The Crafting Chicks} – Deliciously “evil” brownie recipe with a Valentine’s Day twist.
- Heart-Shaped Pizzas {My Insanity} – Check out how to make your own heart-shaped pizzas for Valentine’s Day! Remember that red peppers can make great red hearts too!
- Chocolate Dipped Shortbread Cookies & Tin{Little Birdie Secrets} – Chocolate-dipped shortbread cookies are absolutely addictive! Make a batch and package them in an altered tin for an unforgettable gift!
- Chocolate Themed Dinner {My Insanity} – If a little chocolate is the recipe for romance, think what an entire meal featuring chocolate could do for your love life! Sweet and savory chocolate recipes and presentation ideas.
- Red Oreo Pudding Pole Cake {Lil’ Luna} – Quick, easy and delicious oreo pudding poke cake that is red and perfect for Valentine’s Day!
- No Bake Berry Oreo Cheesecake { Lil’ Luna} – Pink and heart-shaped, these no bake berry oreo cheesecakes are perfect for your Valentine’s dinner dessert!
- Easy Valentine’s Day Dessert {The Polkadot Chair} – Simplify your Valentine’s Day dessert by using a heart shaped cookie cutter to dress up a tray of brownies! Don’t forget the irresistible strawberries too!
Um… anybody still there? Hello!? Guess you must have run to the kitchen to start baking already! We hope you love what you see!! Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for even more great ideas during this love season!!
I wanted to do this for my husband for Valentine day. I could not get this to work for me. Please help, I also wanted to try and do this for my Grand daughters to be able and look back one day and see how much their MIMI loved them. Please help. Tell me what I am doing wrong.
I tried to down load the heart shaped letter to my husband. I was unable to do this. I do not know what I am doing wrong. I love this idea and want to try to give it to him for Valentines day. I also thought what a good idea to do one for my grand daughters and have them framed so they will always know how much there MIMI loved them in years to come even after I am gone. Love this idea…..Please help
Thank you so much for awesome ideas, I blogged today about expectations and allowing God to meet them… I hope some of you can check it out and comment! Looking forward to what over wives go through what I am~
Thank you for all of these “Round Ups”! They are so helpful!
AShley, thank you for being so polite! It is always nice to get some love from our readers. 🙂
Did anyone open the Heart Tart recipe? I couldn’t open it. Was it just me???
Sarah, I will have someone get that fixed ASAP. Thank you for pointing that out! 😉