Earn Your Badges Date

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Earn Your Badges Date 

Do you and your hubby have a LIST of things you’d like to accomplish?!  Why not turn that list into fun mini-dates?!

Paige - Sept Badges - Pinterest

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My hubby and I have a running list of all the FUN things we’d like to do together and all the things we NEED to get done around the house!  To ensure we have an equal balance of work and play, I decided to create a fun, Girl Scout inspired date that accomplishes BOTH!  To get started, print out the adorable printables by Tasha at Whimsicle Design and hang the His/Her Sashes where they can been seen!


Then as you earn the badges, place them on your corresponding sash! What are the break down of the badges, you ask?! Just take a look!

Check List: If there has been something hanging on your to-do list, complete the task together and mark it off! Ah…what a relief!


Popcorn and Movie: Be sure to make time for a date night! I can’t express how important dating your spouse is and what a difference it makes in the relationship!

Scissors and Glue: Is there a craft or DIY project you’ve been meaning to complete?!  Get it done and mark it off!

Shoes with wings: Get physical!?  My hubby and I try to work out regularly, but with our varying schedules we rarely get to do it together! So, one Saturday afternoon, we went to a local forest preserve and did a mini-hike together! It was PERFECT!


Bear Hugging: Squeeze in a little cuddle time! Make sure to find time for just for the two of you, even if thats just some cuddle time on the couch to your favorite show!

Mixing Bowl: With our busy schedules, I try to recruit my hubby to cook with me! Every Sunday, we prep meals for the week to make our evenings less hectic and allow for more “us” time!  *Desserts included. {wink wink}


Lips: OF COURSE, make time for some make-out sessions or kisses! Those little tokens of affection are SO important!  😆

Question Marks: This is your freebie! What ever else you’ve had in mind that you’ve wanted to accomplish, place the question mark badge on your sash once you’ve completed it!

Continue filling in your sashes until they are complete, regardless of how long it takes you.  This date is designed to ensure you spend some quality time together by providing a little fun incentive to get things done! PHEW!


For another great way to complete things, check out Julie’s To-do List DONE idea!

Free Download

Earn Your Badges Date Night

Printables Designed by Tasha @ Whimsicle Designs Exclusively for The Dating Divas



I am madly in love with three men (1 big and 2 little)! I am lucky enough to be married to my true complement. I spend my days doing any and everything 'boy!' I have a passion for fitness and love trying anything that makes my heart race.

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  1. What a GREAT way to cross things off the ole “to do” list. It makes my get-er-done heart go pitter-patter. LOL Fun idea, Paige!!

  2. I like this idea! It makes it fun, but also can knock some things off that we have been meaning to do for awhile!