First dates make me think of butterflies and deodorant. (Maybe that’s just me?) It’s such an exciting time in a relationship. With the help of one of our fabulous designers, Joanna of Cutify Creative, we want to help you Recreate Your First Date!
Our First Date Story
So, there’s this guy – Adam. We were both at Utah State University studying Theatre. As luck would have it we were cast in Macbeth together as husband and wife (foreshadowing). After a few months of flirting and hanging around each other, he finally asked me out. He picked me up from my apartment and drove over to the ice-skating rink in town. He had called ahead to make sure we could get on the ice. We walked in and there was a league playing. Bummer. We drove over to another rink and it too was having league night. Adam kept it together and threw the ice-skating idea out the window. Bowling! We played two games of bowling and I won both times. (I’m pretty sure he didn’t let me win, but now I’m second guessing that.)
After that we grabbed some hot chocolate from 7-Eleven and drove around looking at Christmas lights. We made our way back to his apartment where we watched War of The Worlds with Tom Cruise. I fell asleep on his shoulder. Completely zonked! (Sigh.) He thought this was a good sign. After a few years of marriage, he knows that I just can’t stay awake for a movie after 9:30. It’s a curse.
At the end of the night, he took me back to my apartment and hugged me at the door. This was not your normal “hug your aunt goodbye” hug. It sounds dorky now, but there was something special about that moment.
Husband’s Version
Our first date was a long time in the making. I had asked her out a number of times and she kept turning me down, for really lame reasons that I didn’t pay any attention to, like: My roommate still likes you and it wouldn’t be fair to her… Or, I’m about to move away, so….
When she finally did say yes, I had this romantic idea that we could go ice skating. She would get cold and want to be close to me, plus she was from a place where ice skating wasn’t available, so I was sure she wouldn’t know how, and I’d get lots of physical contact as I showed her the ropes and held her hands around the arena. I was excited enough about it that I called ahead to make sure the date was on a night the rink would be open.
Much to my chagrin, I had been given bad information and there was a hockey league playing that night. I had to think fast, and went nearby to a fun-park that had a bowling alley. We bowled a couple rounds and I made sure to not bowl very well. I should have taken her out to dinner, but being a starving college student, didn’t have the budget for it, nor a credit card at the time that I could finance a fancy dinner with. So it was back to my house for popcorn and a movie, which seemed like a good idea, right up until Amanda fell asleep on my shoulder, 15 minutes into the movie. I went back and forth debating on whether this meant I was boring, or that it was a good sign because it meant she was comfortable with me. When the movie was over I had to wake her up. I took her home and got a nice long hug on the doorstep. Needless to say, I’ve gotten many more as the years have progressed.
Recreating Our Story
We live in central Montana now, but we did our best to relive the night. We put together this cute invitation to get the night started. We made plans to go ice-skating, but the weather didn’t really support our decision. A warm snap hit and the rink turned to slush. We pushed through and tried it out anyway. I guess that’s a pretty good recreation of the first date.
First Date Conversation Starters
Instead of heading back to his apartment we returned to the comfort of our own home. We curled up together and pulled out our First Date Conversation Starters. We’ve been married for almost 10 years. (YIKES!) We’ve talked about almost everything under the sun, but with the help of these questions I learned things I didn’t know before. True story! It was the best moment of the date! You could use these at dinner, but since there was no dinner on our first date (cough – cheap – cough) we used them at home.
Bedroom Invite
If the date goes well, knock on wood, you could invite your spouse in to get a little more acquainted. {Wink!}
This date idea was so fun and easy for us to put together! We loved reminiscing about the past and celebrating how far we’ve come! Now it’s your turn! We suggest recreating the dinner, activities, and doing your best to be back in the time era of your first date. Even if you have moved, find things and places that are similar to your first date. Grab these printables today, and tell us about your first date with your sweetie! Really! We would LOVE to hear about it in the comments! XOXO
I am going to plan this date for our first wedding anniversary coming up in September!! 🙂 We got married on the same day we met, just 4 years later!!
Taryn, that is so fun! I hope you have the best time! XO
I love this website. nice idea for lovebirds. thank you so much for amazing ideas.
Thank you so much for your kind words! So glad you enjoyed. XO
I love this idea! I have recreated our first date before, but this will make it a little more fun! Our 25th anniversary is coming up in just 9 days, so this is perfect. Thank you!
Cherryl – You’re SO welcome!! Congrats on your 25th anniversary!!! That’s such an exciting milestone! Recreating your first date is such a perfect way to celebrate!
I think that your re- connecting is awesome! My husband and I have been married 35 yrs and I think that I would love to recreate our first date. It was a 3 movie marathon at a local theater! good luck figuring out what movies that were playing! thanks for sharing!
Dobi, haha your comment made me laugh! Thank you so much for reading and for your sweet words! And hey, even if you can’t find the exact movies, just being together and reminiscing it what matters most! XO
I love this idea! Our first date was to see Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci and then to Steak and Shake for burgers and milkshakes. I had a problem eating my french fries though because the ketchup looked a lot like the blood used in the movie! lol- what a great idea to try and recreate that date! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time!
Thanks for this idea! I did a variation–our wedding night. I wore my get-away dress, got the same dinner that we had then, and tried to recreate the feel of our honeymoon cabin. On the drive to our honeymoon we read our wedding cards outloud, and if they had cash in them we took it out for honeymoon spending money. So for the date I drew him a few “wedding cards” and put dollar bills in them, and the next day we went to the dollar store and got eachother some silly little things. The baby woke up halfway through, but it was fun anyway and he was really surprised. Thank you for your blog, I love it!
Love this. I am going to have to do this when we get our move over. Might help us settle in our new town too. I am also passing along the "Versatile Blogger" award to you ladies! Thanks for encouraging us to keep our spark alight!
Visit me and pick up your award:
I thought about doing this, but our first movie together was somewhat unfortunately Napolean Dynamite. I don't know if I want to relive that:)
What a wonderful idea and what a wonderful date!
Fun idea. Not sure I can remember that far back??
Fun! This is a great Idea that everyone could use. 🙂 good job!
So cute! I love it!