Romantic Anniversary Date Idea
The word “Romance” always seems to bring a Romeo & Juliet feel with it. Doesn’t it? When we think about romance, we tend to think of those overwhelming feelings of love and desire for that special someone. Romance makes us swoon and feel giddy at the same time and helps us remember why we fell in love in the first place.
For this special date with my husband, I really wanted to make a statement about our undying love for each other. We’ve been through a lot of hard times and a lot of good ones, too. We happened to have some cash to spend this time around, but we’ve had some slim Anniversary years as well. So no matter what side of the money fence you’re on, this is the ideal Anniversary Date for you! Be sure to read all the way through, for I have something special in store for you… that just might help those of you on the slim side of the money fence. {wink}
Act I, Scene I
“O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem”
To invite my husband on this romantic adventure, I created a really cute invite with one of my favorite sonnets from Romeo & Juliet and made it look like a scroll. I referenced him as my Romeo, that he has stolen my forbidden heart, and that I need to meet him at a secret place — refer to Act II — where no one else would know. {wink} (To make your own scroll, tear a little bit around two of the edges on a 12×12 piece of scrapbook paper. Then ink the edges and roll the paper toward the center from end to end. Hold it together by tying a ribbon around it.)
We are tight on cash these days, so I rummaged through our closets and found some romantic attire for the evening. If you have the money to do so, purchase your husband a nice tie and wrap it up in a really cool box that looks like the English Renaissance era (I found mine at Ross). Present it to him that morning with your scroll invite attached. Then both of you get dressed up to the nines for your date that evening. If you have some extra cash lying around, I would recommend finding a dress that resembles the English Renaissance era (i.e. something very romantic and flirty) or even alter one that you have with organza or chiffon (very romantic).
Act II, Scene I
“As an unperfect actor on the stage”
Most cities have a Shakespearean festival or performances of original works that are inexpensive or free. Even in my small town, there were two Shakespeare plays put on last year that were free to the public on the University campus. These are usually put on during the summer months when it is warm outside. Since my date was during the winter months I found another option: Mystique Dinner Theater. The Mystique serves up dinner AND a play. You can choose to do just the theater part, but I thought the dinner would be a nice touch… and I was right! It was a five course meal with entertainment mixed throughout.
There are several options in or around my small town for theater shows, so if you live in a larger town you probably have a lot more options at your disposal! I know for a fact there is a Shakespearean Festival (Cedar City, Utah) for all you Utah residents coming up…
Act II, Scene II
Romantic Acts
- Guesstures – If you’re staying home this time around… The Guesstures Game
is a perfect lead in for a ‘Meet Cute’ between you and your spouse. Take turns trying your best to guess the answers your spouse is trying to act out. Don’t keep score, just enjoy having a good laugh together. To change things up, you can gather together a basket of random items from around your house and during the game you have to use at least one item when you’re acting out the cue card.
- Sparknotes – After you show off your acting skills, do a Romeo & Juliet quiz to see how much each of you know. (Sparknotes has a fabulous one!) Whoever answers the most right wins a special prize – that you two should determine together right before you take the quiz. {wink, wink}
Act III, Scene I
“From fairest creatures we desire increase”
If you have never stayed in a themed suite with your spouse… this is an absolute MUST to celebrate your Anniversary! My husband and I absolutely LOVE The Black Swan Inn, here in Pocatello, ID. They have the most exquisite themed suites and they really pull out all the stops to make your stay unforgettable. It is a family owned and run business, which makes your experience even more unique. One of their themed rooms is The Romeo & Juliet Suite and it is absolutely gorgeous! It is SO romantic and makes this Shakespearean rendezvous complete!
Act III, Scene II
DIY Renaissance At Home
If you don’t live close enough to indulge in The Black Swan Inn, you can create a romantic English Renaissance look in your own Master Bedroom. Decorate your bedroom to the hilt with roses, rose petals, Sparkling Cider or wine, the His & Hers wine glasses Lisa M. created, sprinkle chocolates around the tub or on the bed, chocolate dipped strawberries, and other romantic snacks… you get the idea. You could also create your own bed canopy inexpensively using this DIY Canopy video as your guide. Take a note or two from Kiirsten’s Not Just For Da Garden post if you’re looking for more fabulous ideas.
Act IV, Scene I
Vows & Commitment
- Wedding Vows Renewal – If you’re looking for something over the top special, you could always take your spouse to a rose garden or somewhere really romantic for a “super secret wedding vows renewal.” Just like you are getting married all over again (in secret this time), but you will be recommitting to your marriage and your life together. you could write your own vows to each other or have the traditional ones read.
- Photo Book – Make sure to take lots and lots of pictures throughout your date! Afterwards, create a photo book using those pictures, your invite, and any other important parts of the date and give it to your spouse. What a special gift to commemorate this special occasion!
For more romantic Romeo & Juliet ideas, check out our Not Your Ordinary Movie: Romeo & Juliet. Whatever your Anniversary plans, The Dating Divas hope that it is a very special and memorable date night!
It’s so nice. Thanks a lot for sharing it
Awesome Idea. Totally buying Guesstures now. 🙂
Lol, Thanks Becca! I’m such a fan of Guesstures!! haha, makes for a good time!
I just love this website!!!!! The room above looks AMAZING!! but, Idaho is too far, I am in new york. I am going to pick your brain. Do you happen to know any themed hotel stays on the east coast or nearby? Thanks for all your passion towards keeping the love alive in a marriage!!!
Jen, have you heard of Kew Motor Inn? It’s located in Queens. Here’s their website:
For other themed hotels on the east coast try Feather Nest Inn in New Jersey. You can check it out here: Or there’s Adventure Suites located in New Hampshire. More info here:
My husband recently surprised me with a trip to a Renaissance Festival for my birthday. We were even able to rent costumes for the day! It was so much fun! That could be another option that would fit perfectly with a Shakespearean date theme. 🙂
I LOVE that idea, Sarah! Thanks for sharing! How romantic of your hubby to do that for you, whatta man!