What Women REALLY Want for Valentine’s Day
As women, we are well aware that we can be difficult to shop for. Our likes, dislikes, wants, and needs change just about daily. Craft stuff! No, wait. Boots! No, wait. Garlic press! No, wait. Tunics!
Every year, when Valentine’s Day rolls around, my husband asks, “Well, what is the plan for Valentine’s gifts?” And every year, I repeat the exact thought process listed above out loud to him. Then I really get thinking about it, though, and I realize that the stuff I really want for Valentine’s Day is a lot different than what my husband thinks I want!
The Divas wanted to simplify things a little for everyone this year. We decided to send out a completely anonymous survey (that we blasted out in our newsletter and on our social media outlets) to hundreds and hundreds of women to help us get to the bottom of one burning question:
“What do you REALLY want for Valentine’s Day?”
After the results came pouring in, it was easy to see that, as women, most of us want very similar things out of our relationships. We may be complicated, but our desire for love and connection is as simple as it comes.
Once we compiled the hundreds of responses, we narrowed down all of the answers to the top 4 most mentioned gift types. To keep things authentic, we chose a few of our favorite responses from the women we surveyed, and included their exact wording. It was so clear from the responses that these women really love their husbands, and some of them were just too cute not to share!
We have a ton of awesome Valentine’s Day ideas that are sure to help the planning process, so be sure to check out the “Diva Tips” we suggest!
Are you ready to hear what they had to say?
Here they are, in descending order!
(ahem … drum roll, please!)
4. Something Practical
- “Maybe I am just the most boring person on the planet, but I love practical gifts for Valentine’s Day. I love anything that I can put to good use and get our money’s worth.”
- “My favorite gifts are the ones that I will use. It reminds me that my husband pays attention to what I like and want!”
- “Last year my husband got me cute office supplies for my desk at work. I almost died – I was so excited! I’m more into the practical and useful gifts.”
- “It’s probably because we are poor, student newlyweds, but we are both into practical gifts right now. We are still getting established as a couple, so that’s where the money goes anyway. I wanted a handheld sander last year! Ha ha. It will be interesting to see if things change in a few more years.”
- “I love practical gifts, because every time I go to use them, they remind me of my husband. It sounds kind of silly, but I love it!”
- Diva Tip: When talking to my husband about this response, we both remembered when we were newlyweds and didn’t have anything to our name – we would have completely been in this boat back then! Now that we have been married a while, we both agree that we have moved on from the more practical gifts, and really value time together more than anything. Do you agree? Be sure to check with your spouse to see if they really want something practical before heading out to the store!
3. Something Traditional
- “I find it kind of comforting when I know he is going to walk in the door with flowers every Valentine’s Day for me! I love the more traditional gifts, personally.”
- “I’m very old-fashioned. I love flowers and chocolates!”
- “Flowers are a MUST… even if there is another gift involved! It just isn’t Valentine’s Day without them.”
- “Give me chocolate and some quality time with my husband. That’s all I want.”
- “Who wouldn’t love chocolate, jewelry, and flowers?!”
- “I feel like every wife in the world deserves either some flowers or chocolate on Valentine’s Day, no matter what else she gets. They are staples.”
- Diva Tip: Again, be sure to see what your wife really likes. Not all women love receiving jewelry, but many love to receive flowers. So communicate, communicate, communicate!
2. Something Romantic
- “I love it when he plans something romantic, like making a quiet dinner for us at home. It doesn’t have to even be fancy!”
- “Last year, my husband bought me The Game of Love through a post on your website rather than a nice dinner out. We had SO much fun! We have played it several times since. It was so romantic and intimate… much better than a stuffy dinner in a packed restaurant!”
- “My favorite Valentine’s Day was when he surprised me with a simple weekend getaway. It meant so much that he would take the time to plan the entire event, start to finish.”
- “I just love seeing the romantic side of him! Last year he wrote me a love letter, and it was so sweet. I still have it! I will cherish it forever.”
- “I love to be romanced… along with every other woman in the world! I would probably die of excitement if I came home to a nice dinner, a love note from him, and some good conversation. That’s all I really want.”
- “I always enjoy a good love letter.”
- Diva Tip: Writing love letters can be really hard, but a lot of women really love them. Be sure to check out our Love Letter of the Month Club Kit, as well as our Love Letter Addition Kit to walk you through how to write the perfect love letter. They sell like hot-cakes around here! Also, be sure you check out How to Have a Romantic Dinner at Home.
Are you ready for the #1 response from hundreds of women?!
This was the top answer … BY FAR!
1. “I just want to see that he put some effort in.”
- “Honestly, for me, I just love seeing that he planned something. It speaks volumes as-is! It could be anything, I don’t mind – I love to see him take initiative.”
- “My husband is in school full-time, and works a ton as well – so it’s hard for us sometimes. My favorite thing in the world is when he takes time from his very busy schedule to show how much I mean to him. It doesn’t matter what it is – making a dinner reservation, picking up flowers or chocolates, or a fun bedroom game… honestly, I’d be happy with anything.”
- “Last year, he bought us your Year of Dates Pack through that great deal when he signed up for The Dating Divas newsletter. We’ve had a lot of fun “dating again” as you Divas say! It was a great gift, and has helped us so much. It was very sweet of him to take that into his hands and make US a priority.”
- “Does it sound awful if I say I totally don’t care what he does? It really doesn’t matter. I love it when he takes the time for us in any way. That could be a love letter, a planned date, flowers… I really am happy with whatever he takes the time for.”
- “All I want is to see that he put some time and thought in. It doesn’t matter what it is!”
- “The traditional Valentine’s Day stuff is nice, but honestly, I’m happy with whatever he can take the time to do. I just love to see that he thought about me.”
So there you have – what women REALLY want for Valentine’s Day! Talk with your spouse and see where they fall on the spectrum. Are they more of a romantic? A traditionalist? Love the more practical gifts? Or do they just want your time and love?
Whatever the answer may be, we have tons of solutions and ideas for everything Valentine’s Day!
Be sure to check out our entire tab dedicated to the big V-Day, or, as one woman said, consider grabbing The Game of Love this year rather than a nice dinner out! (You can use it over and over again and there are TONS of fun ideas! My husband and I LOVE ours!) Also, have you read For Men Only? If you loved this post, be sure to check it out. It’s a fantastic read.
Happy Valentine’s Day!