Cost of this date: $1.98
Did that catch your attention? I thought so! 🙂 Well, first things first!
Are you a music lover? I have always loved music even though I don’t possess the particular talent of being musically inclined (I can hold a tune and play a little piano…but that’s the extent of it). My husband, however, has LOTS of musical talent. He has a deep, sexy voice and can play the guitar incredibly well. He plays so well, in fact, that if I hear a song that I absolutely love {mostly sappy love songs} he’ll learn how to play it on the guitar and then sing to me. Awe! It still makes my heart go pitter-patter when I hear him sing.
Okay, all sappy-husband-bragging aside, this is what made me think about doing a date all about music. I may not be musically inclined, but I do KNOW my music. Aside from DJ-ing in college (where it’s required for you to have an appreciation for every genre of music), music brings out different emotions in me and I love to share that appreciation with my man.
I left him a handwritten note attached to a Symphony candy bar ($1.98) and left it next to his guitar {in an obvious place he would see it} before he left to work. I used lyrics from “our song” (Incubus, “I Miss you”) inviting him make sweet music with me for our date night that evening.
We didn’t have time to go out to dinner (which is another reason this date was so cheap!), but if you have the time I would recommend going to a cafe` or Bistro that has a live band playing. That would be such a cool way to start out your night!
Music Store
When my husband got home we went straight to a music store to check out all of the musical instruments. Have you ever wandered around a music store? It’s pretty interesting even if you don’t actually play an instrument. My husband always gravitates to the guitar wall (of course) to test out some of his favorites. Honestly, my husband could probably spend hours in a music store playing the guitars…which is why this date was so perfect for him.
If a music store isn’t your thing, head to a CD store to peruse their latest selection of CD’s. You could even have a listen with their headphones and compare songs that you like.
A friend of mine is the Executive Director for the Idaho State-Civic Symphony here in Pocatello, ID. She gave me some information regarding “Usher” opportunities for the Idaho State-Civic Symphony concert series for the 2011-2012 season. I know that every University has a Symphony or Performing Arts program (or something similar) and most small towns have a performance theater which probably offer similar programs if you ask. The Idaho State-Civic Symphony is always looking for usher volunteers for events. There are a variety of performers throughout the season, which makes each ushering opportunity unique.
So what’s the perk? Well, if you volunteer to usher at a certain event, you get to attend that event for FREE. That’s right, free! You come a little bit early, help out where needed, and then stay a little after the event if need be. Considering that these events cost $31.00 per ticket…that is an amazing trade, wouldn’t you say?
The Symphony we picked was the Hawaiian Christmas concert featuring the Waitiki 7. Can I just say, what a toe-tappin’ adventure it was! I think that both my husband and I had our expectations set very low. The last Symphony concert we attended was 8 years ago and was done by University students. We weren’t huge fans after that, but we’re always willing to give most things another try. We are both SO glad that we did. This concert wasn’t a boring, snoring event. No. It was fun and filled with a luscious mix of Hawaiin exotica and traditional Christmas songs. The Waitiki 7 is a truly talented group of individuals that know how to entertain. The coolest part for us? At the end of the concert, several members of the Waitiki 7 just happened to come stand by us for the Choir sing-a-long. It was really fun to get to meet them.
Following the Concert, there was A Holly Jolly Sing-Along with the ISU Concert Choir. It was a wonderful way to end a very entertaining evening and to bring in the spirit of Christmas. I know, I know…Christmas is already over. In all honesty, I don’t doubt that each concert brings it’s own excitement for the evening. In fact, they have an impressive Valentine’s concert coming up so now is the time to get signed up to volunteer for that!
By the way, if you were wondering…our official ushering duty was to pass out Lei’s to the patrons as they entered the concert hall and point them in the direction of their seats if they weren’t sure where to go. It was really easy and actually quite entertaining. My husband and I really get a kick out of the variety of personalities out there.
Interested in Ushering for the Idaho State-Civic Symphony?
The Idaho State-Civic Symphony is looking for volunteers to usher and operate the Coat-check during the 2011-2012 season. Responsibilities include distributing programs, assisting patrons to their assigned seats, and monitoring the doors during the performance. Ushers should be at least 12 years of age.
Please visit for concert dates. Ushers should plan to arrive at 6:30, performances run from 7:30-9:30. If you live in the Pocatello, ID area and are interested in ushering opportunities at the Idaho State-Civic Symphony, please contact:
Our town has First Friday, where different art, music, and museum places have free events on the First Friday of each month. There are usually several to choose from and most offer refreshments too. At one place they even gave us free tickets to another event :o)
Great for date night or family night depending on what is available – your town may have something similar.
Oh wow!! I am gonna check out my town to see if they do that! I know we have an art walk, but I don’t know if they include all the extras your town does. What a great way to have date night or family night! Thanks for sharing, Davette!
I wanted you to know a fan of ours emailed me and told me how much HE loved this date. It was one of his favorite thus far! Nice work Kari, you are seriously awesome!
Awe!! That is so cool! Seriously, love that HE loved it! haha, Thanks my sweet friend for passing that along! 🙂 xoxo
I’m already halfway done with this date if you think about it! 😉 guitars check, music store check, check! Love you Kari and Love this date idea, Thanks for sharing!
Bahaha! Thanks for the laugh, Lisa! you always know how to brighten someone’s day 🙂
Aww! I love that you guys did this! It reminds me that there are ushering opportunities at plays and other public performing events that I could totally take advantage of too. Thanks, Kari!
You two would have the best time! I bet there are way more opportunities where you live, too!! Love you!
I agree with Christy! GREAT way to listen to live music….without spending any money! Genius! 🙂
We so love us some cheap dates, huh!
Such a fun date idea, Kari! And the price isn’t bad either…:)
Thanks Erika! 🙂
kari – thanks for this post so much. my husband and i are here i pocatello and always want to go to events at the performing arts center but don’t always have the money. what a great way for us to be able to go and enjoy the music that is performed there.
Yay, Christy! So glad that you can take part in this. My husband and I have been in that same spot. There are always incredible performances, but to pay that kind of money is sooo out of our budget. Hope you take advantage of it! Let me know how it goes!