Using the number 4, we’ve created this fun and unique anniversary idea for you to recreate! You’re spouse will feel so ‘fourtunate’ to be married to you after you pull of this darling gift idea. There are so many great ideas to celebrate anniversaries, but we wanted to focus on your four year anniversary today with some fun word play. Fortune cookies play a big part in this date – but if you aren’t near the amazing Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Company, we have some great options for you including fabric or printable fortune cookie templates!
My husband and I just celebrated our Fourth Wedding Anniversary a few days ago. It was a fabulous day, albeit low-key as we are both so busy! When he got home from school, I had a little surprise for him at the door:
It’s a little fortune cookie with some cute four-themed fortunes! Attached to the top was a little sign that said “I’m so FOURtunate to have been married to you FOUR years!” and another little tag that told him to be on the lookout for FOUR other FOURtunes throughout the day {or in our case, the house!}.
The adorable Chinese takeout boxes are so easy to make! The printable download has 4 different styles and it’s easy as cut, fold, glue! I used a strip adhesive that made it super simple, but super durable! We also have 4 different styles of circles that can be folded in to cute little fortune cookies. I already had some felt fortune cookies on hand that I made from the tutorial here, except I made mine bigger. (You could do real fortune cookies if you wanted, but I liked the idea of felt and letting the kids play with them afterwards.)
Then I typed up four different messages and placed one inside each fortune cookie.
Hope this helps give some ideas if you are happening upon your FOUR year anniversary…or 14th, 24th, 34th, 40th, etc.
Designed by Joanna @ Cutify Creative Exclusively for The Dating Divas
I am a reading, singing, shopping queen! (I'm very lucky that my handsome hubby likes shopping as much as I do) Married for 9 years and ready for forever, I love spending time with Brigham (my husband) and our 4 kiddos. I teach high school English during the school year and in the summertime, we love to go on adventures in the great outdoors.
Awe man! I just celebrated my fourth! Haha, this is a REALLY cute idea though! 🙂
Isn’t that how life always works! It’s ok, celebrate your 4th ALL year!!
Such a darling idea! I’ll have to remember this for my FOURteenth anni 😉
Came upon this at the perfect time as my husband and I will be celebrating 4 years this Fall. Thanks!!
Vee, that is SO great that he reads the site! 🙂 Tell him we are impressed. Glad the \FOUR\ idea worked for you and congrats on 4 years!