No joy can equal the joy of serving others.
~Sai Baba
Life is never so busy that there is no time to serve.
~Author Unknown
The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.
~Mohandas Gandhi
Sometimes when things aren’t going the way we want them to in life or our marriage, we get SO involved with worrying about ourselves that we forget the very thing that we can do to help us feel better: serve others!
If you want to feel closer to your spouse, I highly suggest doing service for others with your spouse. Sounds a little crazy, but IT WORKS. Even small acts of kindness performed side by side with our spouse can bring us closer together and help our marriage be more fulfilling.
Don’t believe it? Seriously. Try it.
To make this ‘experiment’ a little easier for you, I’ve gathered some Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) ideas you can try. Don’t forget to grab the free printables below to leave everywhere you do an act of kindness 🙂
1. Go ‘ding-dong ditching.’ Leave treats or things for your neighbors {or even just people in random neighborhoods} along with this cute printable from Poppies at Play:
2. Leave laundry detergent tied with a ribbon and a bag of quarters at the laundromat.
3. Deliver handmade cards to nursing home
4. Take ‘get well’ balloons to hospital and leave with nurse for someone who is alone
5. Plant change {quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies} with note at children’s playground
6. Set up a free face painting booth in your neighborhood
7. Have an extra large tip ready, order pizza and tip that delivery guy big!
8. Ask people at the grocery store if you can take back their shopping carts
Here are several cute ideas from Mix Mingle Glow:
9. Hand bottled waters out the car window to joggers/walkers/bicyclists you pass by
10. Feed parking meters
11. Hand out Tootsie Pops to children {ask parents permission first of course!}
12. Buy a gift card for groceries and hand it to the person in line behind you
13. Find a family eating lunch at a local restaurant, place a gift card on their table and walk out
14. Drop off several hand written thank you notes and doughnuts at the police station
15. Tucked happy notes in car doors in parking lot wishing people a good day
16. Hand out balloons to children shopping with their parents
17. Tape change to vending machines
18. Read a story to children in your local bookstore or library
19. Leave a small treat with a note of thanks for the mailman
20. Use THESE darling printables from swtblessings.com and leave them on bathroom mirrors
A few ideas from tickles to giggles:
21. Hide Easter eggs with prizes in them all over a playground. Leave a bucket with a RAOK note
22. Stop at the Dollar store and hide dollar bills in the kid section. Hang around and listen for the squeals of delight from the kids that find them!
23. Go out to lunch/dinner and leave a gift for your waitress
24. Leave diapers and wipes on a changing table in a public bathroom
Hope these ideas can get your started on a MARVELOUS date of service! Maybe when you get home, you can do a little service for each other and give each other a massage! Check out Kari’s date here for some AWESOME massage ideas 🙂 And last but not least, I’d like to leave you with a service quote from one of the coolest writer’s of all time, Dr. Seuss:
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
Now go make someone’s day with your spouse. I promise that not only will you have a great time but your marriage and relationship will be strengthened.
Happy Serving!
I love this. I love the time taken to do good with your spouse! I’m really working hard to put together 12 dates for our anniversary this year [Jan 2.] I actually stopped by to see if you would be interested in participating in this little endeavor I started today. I admit it was a knee jerk reaction to something that made me so sad. https://www.callmekristin.com/flaunt-your-fella But I really feel like your website and the ladies who write your posts would react the same way I did!
I gave a year of pre-planned dates to my husband at valentines and this EXACT thing was the one for October. I had gotten the inspiration from Robyn and her birthday celebration. We didn’t get to do as many random acts as I was hoping because our night also included shopping for and putting together shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child . But maybe we’ll make another night of it again soon!
What an inspirational idea:) I LOVE your darling printables too- did you make them? So cute!
It’s so funny, I have been hearing this thing of random acts of kindness and people were saying things like getting up to let someone else sit down, or holding the door open for someone and I just thought thats just having consideration for others, that was the way I was raised anyway. But these ideas are amazing, and definitely nothing I have ever thought of doing. I already did the change on a vending machine in my office!! I can’t wait to try more of these with the hubby!! Now these are random acts of kindness!!