Marriage Tradition
We all need to feel appreciated and loved from our partner and you don’t need to wait for a special event to do it! In fact, expressing your love can be done on a daily basis! While here at the Dating Divas we love to provide printable love notes and cards you can give your spouse – there is something special about verbally expressing your love to your spouse.
One little tradition that my husband and I share is our nightly, “I love you today because . . . “ Each night as we get into bed, in that moment right after the lights are turned out, we each share one thing that we love about the other person. We try to specify it with something from the day, but sometimes it is just general. It is the perfect way to end the evening – no matter what kind of a day it has been. We have really felt this simple act benefit out marriage in so many ways. Here are a few ways sharing a nightly, “I love you because . . .” can strengthen your relationship:
- Each person goes to bed feeling loved and appreciated.
- It encourages you to be looking for something good in your spouse throughout the day when you know you will be sharing that night!
- When you’ve had a rough relationship day, this tradition is a fantastic way to break the ice and know that no matter what happened that day – you love your spouse and are loved.
- If your spouse or your spouse’s love language is words of affirmation – this will definitely help them feel loved and add to their love bucket!
- If you struggle with verbally expressing your love – this tradition gives you an opportunity to do it PLUS there is something safe about sharing your feelings in the dark at the end of the day that just makes it a little easier!
You will be amazed at how quickly this tradition will become something you look forward to each night. It takes less than a minute, you can start at any time and the benefits are well worth it!
I think this is just a great idea! My husband and I just had our 14 years of marriage and I gave him something like this with 14 ways I love him from 14 years of our marriage. But this is a good idea as well I like it. thanks for sharing!
We do this but we write it down in a little spiral notebook. Then on Sunday evenings before we go to sleep, we switch books and read what the other wrote that week. Then we pick a favorite from the week! So Much fun!! 🙂
after reading this me and my husband started doing this with a slight change….before we say our i love you today because we say a “confession”. right now we are going through a tough time in our marriage so it gives us a good time to release anything that might be bothering us that day or worrying us about what happened. THEN we say our i love you today because so we can remember that even thought times are hard now we still love each other…its really helping. thank you so much for this idea
What an awesome way to show each other love when things are hard and appreciation when needed as well. Something I might have to start doing, my fiance is gone all week long and we have a month old little girl that adds stress to our relationship. I love him dearly and I know I don’t tell him often enough.
So simple and easy, I love it! xox
I think I will start putting this into action. I am sure it will be good! Thanks for sharing different things. We often tend to get stuck!
We have an “I love you today because…” frame that he takes out every morning and writes on with a dry erase marker, then I find it after he goes to work and rewrite mine and put it by his pillow. For a long time it was just me writing on it, but along the way he started doing it too, and I LOVE it!
I love that! How sweet! What a lovely tradition!
I love this, its something easy I can do via text or phone call while he’s out on the road trucking, and also something we can do for the times he is at home. I know he’s having a tough time out on the road right now, so this is just perfect and something that can be started without him realizing what I’m doing.
That is a great application to your situation! Thanks for sharing!
My husband and I started this when we got married. It really is a great tradition to have and helps your spouse know that you notice the good things they do each day 🙂
I rarely comment on blogs, but I just have to say: this is a fantastic tradition that I’m starting today! I appreciate your efforts to strengthen marriages everywhere. I hope you realize the difference that makes to couples, children, and our country. Much gratitude and kudos to you!