Trick or Treating is one of the best parts of the Fall Season! As a new mom, I can’t wait to take my little guy trick or treating for the first time this year! But I can’t forget about my big guy (aka hubby), so I set up trick or treating INSIDE!
The Invite
I placed the invite and his “trick or treat” bag on our coat hook, so when he got home it would be the first thing he’d see! The invite read “Why hit up the neighborhood to trick or treat, when I have all the goodies right here! Grab your bag and head to “house” number 1.” The AMAZING ladies of Merrymint Designs created these beautiful printables, so you too can have the invite, room numbers and fun sayings that go along with this CREATIVE “at home” date!
The Date
My hubby headed to “house” 1, which was our guest room. (**For some of the rooms, I placed the number on the door, for others I placed it behind the display.) Here he found, a bucket of Reese’s with a card that read “These are the Reese’s I love you.” On the bottom of the Reese’s I wrote different reasons I loved and appreciated him! This great idea stems from our 50 Reasons Why I Love You! He grabbed a handful and headed to “house” number 2!
“House” 2 was our son’s room! The sweet treats were placed on his toy box. “House” 2 was loaded with M&M’s and a cute saying that read “Mummies and Monsters can’t keep me away from you!” I had a hard time keeping myself from eating the M&M’s… haha!
Soon after, it was on to “house” 3 in our dining. I placed a cute scarecrow on the dining room table, holding a sign that read “A little scarecrow told me you were a hot tamale!” Of course, lying next to this funny scarecrow was smokin’ Hot Tamales! DE-LISH!
Moving on, “house” 4 was in our bathroom… appealing right?! haha! I decorated the CLOSED toilet seat with colorful skittles and a fun note reading “On a dark Halloween’s Eve, you are my rainbow!” These are my hubby’s FAV, so I noticed that he grabbed quite a few! 😉
And last but BEST of all, was “house” 5, our family room! In the family room, I sat ready and waiting for him to arrive! I had Hershey Kisses laying out in front of me and held a sign that read “This Halloween, I’ll be your biggest treat of all! XOXO” Needless to say, my hubby LOVED this date night… candy and kisses… what could be better!?
To conclude this fun night we used these GREAT ideas from Wendy’s Halloween date, including dinner and mummy decor!!! 😉
We loved this idea at first I thought I couldn’t do it because we live in a small apartment but then I realized that we had exactly 5 rooms including hoolway it was great
Oh yay! So glad it worked for you. 🙂