Love Letter Stationery

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Custom Love Letter Stationery


We have SUCH a treat for you today!!! Our amazing guest blogger, Michelle H, has such a fun, sweet, and simple craft tutorial for us and we are SO excited about it! Read on to learn how to make your OWN custom, love letter stationery so that you can write a love note for your sweetheart! Nothing super fancy required, you can make it with

Microsoft Word!

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Texts, email, chat, Pair, Skype, Facebook, Twitter… we have endless ways to keep communication going throughout the day with our spouse. I love technology and take advantage of instant communication gratification.

BUT… there is something so romantic and timeless about writing Love Letters. Have you ever run across a stack of old love notes your grandparents wrote each other, or even an old note you wrote while dating? A letter is a memory frozen in time and paper and pen gives us the chance to express our feelings in greater depth. I love reading old letters, it’s like opening a window into someone’s heart. So today, I’m going to show you a quick and easy way to make your own Love Stationery to exchange with your honey-buns! So put down the electronics, just for a moment at least, and let’s create some special stationery to write your spouse a letter he will cherish forever. Robin-LoveLetters-MichelleH-Letters

There are a lot of software programs out there that you may already be familiar with and know how to do this, personally I use PrintShop on a Mac to create most of the things I do. But for those of you that may not have a program or aren’t familiar with those types of software, you can create your stationery in Microsoft Word, something that most everyone has. Depending on your computer and your version of Word, these steps might vary slightly.

First: Just open a blank document and either drag and drop your image, copy and paste it, or use the “insert, picture, from file” options to get your image onto your document. While the image is selected, use the “transparency” option on the right to increase the transparency until you have faded the image enough to still see it but that it won’t interfere with your writing. Robin-LoveLetters-MichelleH-1

NextFade the edges of your image by selecting the “format” option on the right (while the image is still selected) and then select “glow and soft edges” to fade the edges of the picture out for a softer look. Robin-LoveLetters-MichelleH-dd2That’s it! Easy peasy!

If you want to get super fancy, add a monogram or your wedding date. Then print and let your heart flow onto your Love Stationery to give your spouse a tangible treasure that he can use to remember how you feel about him. (This might also come in handy if you are having a moment of “WHY did I marry you?” and need a reminder to get your heart back on track!) The fun doesn’t stop there! Find a creative way to deliver your letter: mail it to his office, leave it on his pillow with a treat, put it in a bottle and use as a centerpiece at dinner! If you want to be really fancy, seal it in an envelope with a wax seal of your monogram! You might even want to print off a variety of your new love stationery using different pictures and make a new tradition of writing to each other every anniversary. Robin-LoveLetters-MichelleH-Scroll

In June I will show you a really cute way to store your love letters! So get writing! (Oh, and if you need help with creating your stationery, leave me a comment and I’ll do my best to help you figure it out!)

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Isn’t she amazing?! Can’t wait to make my own stationery because love letters are so overlooked today. I know my husband will love this! Find more great love letter ideas at Sarina’s Mail a Love Letter Post, Angie’s Printable Love Notes Post, and Stephanie’s Secret Love Notes Post.

A big thanks to our guest blogger, Michelle H. for this awesome post today!



I am a fun-loving, busy mama of 3 little cutie-patooties. I met the man of my dreams when I was in 5th grade! Had a HUGE crush on him then and I still do! I've been married to him since 2004. I work part time as a Dental Hygienist and LOVE it (PS: please floss!)! I love getting messy with my kids, throwing parties, cooking, reading, and playing outside- hiking, camping, water skiing, etc... But most of all, I love to hang out with and date my sweet hubs! Keepin' those 5th grade sparks alive, WOOHOO!

Learn more about Robin
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  1. Hello There!!
    I figured out how to make the photo transparent!! Whoo-hoo!!
    But anyways I can’t figure out how to type on top of the photo. (I don’t think my handwriting is that great, sadly.)
    Could anybody help me out?


  2. Do you have any idea on how to fade the image on Word 2003? Yes, I’m way out of date, but think the faded edge is what really makes this beautiful. I got the washout to make the transparency but can’t get the edges. Thanks!

    1. Oh, I figured it out. You make your transparency picture. Then you insert a rectangle over the pic and go to fill effects under format auto shape. Pick 1 color, pick the background color (white) and move it all the way over to light. Transparency should say from 100 to 0. Pick the shading style from center. Center your rectangle over your pic and it works! So cute!

      1. I tried to print, but it won’t print. It shows up on print preview but doesn’t have anything on the paper when it prints. :(. Help!

        1. Holly send me an email and I can help you easier from there, I don’t check this comment section very often so I don’t want to miss your comments and I want to make sure you get this figured out! mcah79 at hotmail.

          1. Just to help others…I figured a way! You have to create your pic in PowerPoint. Do the rectangle thing like I said earlier, then select both the pic and the rectangle. Right click and hit “save as picture”. Save it as a jpeg and the you can open a word document and insert a pic from there. There might be an easier way, but this at least worked!

  3. I work out of town for 2 weeks at a time so one thing my fioncé and I do is prepare a box. We just put little things in the box that will remind the other of us. We write a little note and seal up the box. I take hers to work with me and mine stays with her at home. A week after we have been apart we open the boxes and are reminded of how much we are loved by each other. Being away from each other is hard but having some physical form of the other tends to help out a little bit anyways. I think you guys should do a write up on this and throw your own twist in as well. And be sure to let me know when you do as I would love to hear what creativeness you have thrown in!

  4. What a GREAT idea! And seriously, you guys have the most creative ideas for date nights and ideas for keeping things romantic. I swear I gush over you gals so much. Just LOVE what you do!

  5. oooh.. I soooo love it!!! I love writing and I’m going out of ideas… I think I almost bought all the stationeries in every store.. haha Great idea!! Thanks for sharing 😀
    Visiting you from the Happy Wives Club Link Up.

  6. On my version of Word there is just a simple button in the picture format window I can click that’s labeled “washout” and it essentially does the same thing. I’ve done this for other uses, but this is a great idea! Thanks!

  7. Heather did you get it figured out? If not, I’ll hop on my laptop and I can walk you through the PC version.

  8. I tried to do this but I don’t have a mac and I can’t seem to figure out how to make the picture transparent in Microsoft word.