Romantic Pillow Fight
Welcome back to our LOVE ON THE RUN series! If you are new to these cute posts airing EVERY FRIDAY, check out all the details HERE.
Today’s Love on the Run tip features a fun way to get a little exercise before you go to bed {wink!}
This is such an easy and spontaneous way to show affection! Just toss your sweetie a few pillows and start swinging. You think we’re joking?? When is the last time you have had a pillow fight… better yet, when is the last time you’ve had a pillow fight with your SPOUSE?? Yep, just as we thought. It’s about time! Have fun teasing each other with this fun before-bedtime activity. 🙂
Want a few more easy ideas? Check out this tasty Kit Kat Inspired Note and if you want your spouse to think you are the best ever just leave these notes in the car for them! See you next Friday for another easy Love on the Run idea!
Love it! It’s the little, fun, spontaneous moments that can make a marriage so great! 🙂
I think this idea is sooooo fun, however, I am imagining the look of shock on Jamie’s face if I attacked him with a pillow! LOL TOOOOO funny! Seriously, though, I think it’s super important that couples keep a sense of humor in their marriage.