Rose Themed Scavenger Hunt
Getting my husband to plan a date is not an easy thing. In fact, I would just rather plan it most of the time to make sure we have a fun date night. He is a very busy man and does so much to support our family and planning a really fun date THIS great takes a lot of time. So I asked him straight up if he would be willing to plan one and he said yes! That being said, I knew he would need time to plan it, so together we decided that he could spend a Saturday morning for a few hours planning a date. I would take our daughter out to the park, giving him alone time to really think with no distractions. So, yes, I had to sacrifice a Saturday morning without him. (By the way, I really love our Saturday mornings we spend together!) But the great part is my husband was able to plan this AH-Mazing date, and agreed to let me post it here so all of you don’t have to do the work – he’s already done it for you! Thanks, Jason!
Just to give you a heads up, we are really big Bachelor fans at our house. It is our guilty pleasure and one of the only TV shows we watch, since we don’t watch a lot of TV. On the morning of our date, I woke up to the sound of dishes clanking and the smell of French Toast. I was SO surprised to find my hubby in the kitchen cooking me a gourmet breakfast before he headed out the door to work. Just the fact that he woke up a half hour early just to make me a special breakfast was enough to prove his love….but he was JUST getting started.
With breakfast was a perfect little note sending me on a mini scavenger hunt. I just adore my husband’s poems. He used to write poems to me all the time when we were dating and hasn’t done it in a long time. I was laughing and crying! In every note there was some kind of inside joke or great memory.
At the end of the hunt I found a “date card” inviting me to a romantic lunch by the lake.
He had tried to already find a babysitter for me so I wouldn’t have to, but since it was a week day he was having a bit of trouble but I gladly called a few friends/neighbors to see if my daughter could come play for a few hours while I went on my “rose”- mantic lunch date.
When I met him at 12:30 for lunch he had picked a perfect restaurant right by a local lake, it was an amazing view and really set the mood.
After lunch he presented me with a single rose and a final note.
And, of COURSE, I accepted!
We took a walk around the lake to finish our lunch date and before Jason had to head back to work.
While at home I wanted to create a really simple dinner that would be fun and look like I put a little bit of thought into it, but also really easy and last minute. So what better than…
Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup! 🙂 I used a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut our sandwiches into hearts and give them a little love.
For dessert and a treat while we watched our show – Chocolate Covered Strawberries! Mmm…. you can buy any chocolate you like in the baking section of the grocery store – just make sure to read the directions on how to melt the chocolate or you’ll end up with cooked chocolate not appropriate for dipping…and don’t you worry, it took me the entire bag until I finally melted the last few chocolate pieces perfectly, luckily barely covering the strawberries I bought! lol!
I picked up a sparkling lemonade from Trader Joes and if you don’t have a Trader Joes check out your local health food store for non-alcoholic sparkling beverages.
Here are blank cards that my husband created for me, but I’m sharing them with you. 🙂
Just fill them in with a poem personalized for your honey and send that special someone on a scavenger hunt.
You could really do this with any show, but if you are wanting to re-create this date then you have just enough time. The finale of the Bachelor airs on ABC Monday March 14th 2011.
Love the hunt please help me plan one for my guy
Hi I need some help planning a scavenger hunt for my boyfriend I love him so much
I am so doing this! Now I just have to figure how to modify it and say everything so clever like you. I want it to rhyme as well! Thanks again!
My husband actually came up with these clever sayings. he is much better at it then I am. I hope you came up with something.
My husband likes to watch The Bachelor too! I can never wait for Monday nights! This is such a cute date idea!
We are always super excited for monday nights too.
Okay! That is WAY impressive for a date planned by a hubby!!! He has been “trained” well, lol!! Very cool Kristen!! And btw-I am DYING for Monday to come so we can see if Brad chose Emily!!! I can’t wait!!!
He really did plan this! It also helps that he is a designer professionally and he is very artistic. and He actually was this good when we were dating too! lol! I’m glad you like it.
Nice job Jason! So cute Kris! You must be proud!
This is a great idea! You always post the best ideas!