Love James Bond? Or Mission Impossible? How about Bourne Identity? Well, this date is for you! The best part is, all you need to do is print the invite and go!
Wanna know more? Well did you know that just about every major restaurant/fast food chain has a secret menu? For this date I created a really simple invite in Word and we were off to Jamba Juice!
I got the White Gummi Bear and my Hubby chose chocolate covered strawberries.
Later we saw The Amazing Spider Man. With so many secret agent movies coming out this year though, your options are endless! Tight on budget? Can’t get a sitter? Too busy to take a half-day? Here are some great alternatives:
Watch your favorite secret agent movie at home
Go to the library and take turns reading mystery books
Play hide and seek at a Park (or at Home)
Dress up in trench coats, hats and glasses and visit the mall or some other public place
Have a water gun fight
Makana @ Texas Is For Lovers
I am *trying* to plan a similar date for my beloved Husband. I found an online cipher/code site & created a message on the back of the print out with the date & time of our “Secret Agent Date”. I’ll not divulge all the plans here (in case he reads the site too) but movie & a creative at home meal in in order. Thanks!
I have never heard of “secret menus!” What the!?! Where have I been? I am gonna have to try this out sometime!!
Cute idea–I especially like the idea of playing hide & seek in a park–but I don’t think I would suggest dressing up in trench coats; unfortunately, in this day & age, you’d probably be viewed as suspicious & might have the law called on you–talk about ruining a date! LOL
I had no clue there was such a thing as a secret menu! I’m going to be checking into that! Sounds like so much fun! xox <3
Um, totally love this idea! My kids are always telling me how they want to be secret agents… they will be so jealous when we tell them we’re going to be secret agents for a date! haha! green with envy.
Love this, Makana!
I forget about secret menu’s! Fun idea. 🙂
This is so cute!!!
Hey, this is a great idea, but do they offer secret menu’s at UK restaurants too? Or is this just a US thing?
This is PERFECT! My hubby’s birthday is coming up and I’v been racking my brain trying to come up with something fun to do–especially since it’s his day off. I just found out he has never seen Mission Impossible 1, 2, or 3, or any James Bond or Ocean’s 12 or 13…and I LOVE ALL OF THEM! And he is totally into Bourne. So we are gonna do a secret agent birthday date! (And we might throw in a few Johnny English too, since those are his faves.) (And we might combine it with your geocaching idea too!) Thanks!!!