I have always been interested in Astrology and with that Astrological signs. So I thought I would incorporate all of that into my date. So I started to research my husband’s astrological sign and mine too. Here is a great place to research your love horoscopes too! Even if you don’t believe in anything like that you can still get really fun playful ideas. What I found out was that my husband’s sign says he craves adventure and my sign tells me I like things a little more intimate – and that is exactly right! So with this date I wanted to meet both of our needs. I put together a little something in photoshop that looks like this:
We started out by taking a hike, something my husband begs me to do all the time, and I always resist. Knowing that this is something my husband loves though, and needs, I was excited to go. I don’t really love hiking but I made the most of the situation and we actually had a blast together. It is always fun to be out in nature together and be getting some exercise too. The mountains were so pretty. I am so glad we did this! We will now be making it a point to appreciate and explore our surroundings more often.
Next it was onto getting a massage. I always beg my husband to do this for me but we rarely ever get the time. After the hike though I was really needing a good massage and so was my man. Setting the mood was crucial. Candles, soft light, nice bedding, whatever makes you the most comfortable. Another fun thing to do with this is to poke holes in black paper or cardboard and tape that to a flashlight and set that up in your room while you get a massage. That way you can have your own personal starlit night ( this is a fun activity to do with your kids too).
After that we decided to do a little reading up about our astrological signs to see how compatible we are and what we need to work on. It was so funny, but also pretty informative. It always surprises me how accurate the personality traits of your sign are.
Last but not least, I always like to watch movies, and it is always so fun to have the theme of your date pick your movie. So STAR WARS is the obvious choice here. Pick your favorite, mine is Return of the Jedi.
What I love about this date is that based on you and your husband’s personal sign, your activities might be a little different than mine. So go ahead and ask your spouse to STAR in your date tonight!
Hi Kim, I'm so glad that you and your husband have getaways! I love it! My husband and I actually make it a point to getaway every 3-4 months for a weekend. Since our kids are young, it's a little difficult to find anyone to watch them for an entire week. But I'm ALL FOR these getaways. I think it really renews our relationship and helps us to reignite our passion for being together. Thank you for sharing with us!
I am so glad to have found this website and this post was really fun. Thanks for sharing. I want the dating diva's opinion on something. I recently took a 10 day romantic getaway with my hubby. It is something we try to do once a year, but I was stunned by how few women do this. I posted about it on cafe mom and the blog frog and almost every woman replied that they have never had a romantic getaway trip with their husbands. What think the Divas about this?
You can see my post at the following link:
sounds like a lot of fun! good job planning this date.
I love it Bridget! You did a great job on this. I'm always interested in the astrological signs. Not that I actually believe it in, but entertainment isn't always relevant to that – is it? lol Gonna have to take this date on!