The Perfect Date for the UFC Fan in Your Life
Fights usually tear people apart, but we are using this one to bring you and your love closer together! Free printables that focus around UFC lingo and design are sure to impress the fight fan in your life. Fights draw a huge crowd, and if you want to host a few couples there’s an invite for that! After the crowd leaves, and if your fan was good and didn’t break any of the furniture, you might invite them to have a special match in the bedroom…
The brilliantly talented Joanna of JAB Creative Australia truly outdid herself with this one! Start the date off right with an invite that tells your honey they are a total knockout! We’ve also included a “ring” for a battle of your own, a thumb war battle! Simply cut out the two circles for each opponent’s thumb and see who get’s a K.O. first. You can even give them a championship belt! {Ok the belt might only fit their wrist…}
Those championship belts do double duty as water bottle labels! How cute is that?! Simply cut them out, slap on a couple glue dots and they will stay on all night long.
Joanna also created themed food tents! You have the “Hook and Jab” otherwise known as chips {the hooks} and dip {the jabs}!
“Superman Punch” {any type of drink would work with this one}.
The “Foul” label is my favorite pun when placed with some chicken wings! {Get it?! Foul?! Fowl!!}
And for some healthy snacks, “Grape Vine” with grapes of course.
Now you have some delicious food and fun to enjoy for the next big UFC fight night! But… there’s more! Maybe your sweetie really liked that you called them a knockout, and the date went really well, and you don’t quite want it to end yet? We have the solution! An intimate invitation to go 10 rounds in the bedroom!
If the answer is “yes” {and we’re sure it will be} you can retreat to your room for a little bedroom game! There are 12 different slips of paper, each with their own UFC-inspired directive. We curled ours up a little by wrapping them around a pencil and popped them in a mason jar – then took turns drawing and doing! You might get something tame like “Footwork” and give a foot massage, but maybe you’ll go a little more on the wild side with “Sprawl” and play a game of Sexy Twister! Whatever you draw, you are sure to have a great night with your Knockout! 😉
If you’re looking to spice things up even more, check out JimmyJane. They have tons of products to keep things exciting in the bedroom!
Cute idea, one suggestion though… if you’re talking just ufc they don’t have 10 round fights, (the one print out has the ring girl holding a round 10 sign) they have 3 or 5. Still printed the stuff out to add to our fight watching nights!
Ooo good note – thank you!
How fun! I love this idea!!!
SHANELLE! You killed it!!! UFC is soooo hard for me to watch! I cringe every time someone gets hit! I’m not sure I could ever DO a UFC date, but if I did… I would DEFINITELY use these amazing printables!
Hahah yeah, I might spend most of the night at the food table 😉
I’ve never watched UFC but this makes me want to! Shanelle- this is a total knockout of a date!!
You are so clever! The thumb war mat is such a fun idea for this theme!