Gun Date
On your next couples date night, take your hubby out and enjoy a date night that he will love! Saddle up, grab your man and your guns, and head on over to the shooting range for a date night idea that will please your man! This date will have you aiming at the target and at your man’s heart!
If you are at all like me, this isn’t just a man pleasing date night, you’ll both be loving this gun shooting date night! You’ll be pulling off a stick up, grabbing your hubby, and sweeping him off to the shooting range for a good ole’ time! If you can’t get to the shooting range, no problem, we have a few shooting game ideas for you, too. You’ll end the night with a bedroom shooting game that will have your hubby handing over his heart! This is going to be heel kickin’ fun!
These printables make me feel like we’re going on a real deal shooting adventure, I’m loving these! A huge thank you to Strawberry Mommycakes for putting these designs together. Check her out for your next design project!
In this date night printable bundle you will have almost everything you need to pull of this date night!
- 2 holster, bullet, and gun Invites- One for the date and one for the after party bedroom game.
- 2 targets- one for some fun shooting games and one for a bedroom game.
- 2 score sheets- one with a list of possible games and one blank for you to fill out.
I’m telling you, we thought of everything!!!! You need to supply your own guns and it’s date night here we come!
The Invites
I might say this over and over but I’m in love with these printables; from the cow print to the paisley, just reminds me of summer and fun! Putting your invites together will take a little teeny tiny bit of crafting.
You will need:
- micro-tip scissors
/ trimmer
(these are my favorite crafting products ever!)
- glue stick
- glue gun, optional
- string
Follow the directions on the pdf on how to put the holster together.
To put the gun together, you will need about 2 inches of string and a glue stick or gun. Cut everything out. Glue one end of the string to the bullet and the other end to the gun.
Place the gun, bullet side down, into the holster. Fill out the date, time, location, and place it into the holster with the gun. The date gun and holster invite have the bullet that says, “This is a stick up.” The intimate gun and holster invite have the bullet that says, “Baby, I am to please.”
Now take a moment and marvel in the cuteness of these before handing them over to your spouse!
Date Night Shooting Competition
Don’t think this date night will be all fun and games, this is a serious competition! Keep your score sheet near, cause you are adding up points! Yes, there is a prize for the winner!
You will need the target printable and Blaster or Nerf gun
to pull off these games.
Start the date with a warm-up session at home before leaving to the shooting range. The first game is the Nerf Gun War. Check out the post for ideas on how to play this game, you can either play both games or just one of the games. Don’t go out and buy targets, print off two in the date night printable pack found on page 4, one for each of you.
All warmed up? It’s time to head to the shooting range. For you cowboys out there, don’t despair, there are more game ideas to follow for you! Don’t forget to take along your score sheets and keep points!
Once you return home, we have a few more shooting game ideas before getting tucked in!
Helium Duel – Put helium balloons in your house, number them with different ranges of points (5, 10, 15) and shoot at them… hitting balloons equals getting points. Make sure these are tied with a string and weighed down so they are able to be hit.
Night Fight– Turn off the lights and get out the glow in the dark sticks. Place a ring of glow in the dark paint on the outside of the target, so you can see where you need to aim. Place a stick around your neck, so you don’t accidentally hit each other. Now for the fun part, dip your bullets into the glue stick. Fire away! Counting up points should be easy peasy!
If you have any other fun Nerf game ideas, share them with us in the comments below, giving our readers ideas to add to their date night!
Add up your points on your score sheet. As promised, the winner gets an added bonus for the next game! Congratulations to the winner, you get an extra little somethin’, somethin’!!!! Hand over your intimate invite and you’re ready to move on into the bedroom.
Are you ready for the Bullseye Bedroom Game?! This has got to be the best part of the night! Don’t put away those guns just yet, you’re going to need them for this game too! Get out the Bullseye Bedroom Game target printable found on page 6. Directions on how to play are found at the bottom of the target. Don’t hold back, cause baby it’s time for a lot of pleasing!!!
I love the idea of this date, but I cannot click on the links to all the printables. Could you ladies please help me with this!!
Hi Amy! If you click on the pink bar titled “Click Here To Download” all of the printables should pull up for you. Are you able to click on that button/bar?
These are fantastic! Thank you so much for thinking of something so cute and fun! This is something my husband would love!
Amanda, yay!!! So glad you found this fun man-loving date. Check out Shooting Range Date Night ( for a few more ideas that will add to the fun of your date night. Enjoy!!! xox
Wow, I really love this date night idea! I would absolutely love to take my husband to a shooting range, especially if I had really cute score sheets like that. The only problem is that I have no idea where a shooting range would be. It sounds like I need to do a little bit of research online!
Hi Delores! This is such a fun date and your research will be well worth it. If you can’t find a range, transform your home and backyard into a shooting course. Grab a few water guns or nerf guns. Line up some cans in the backyard, set up a few bulls eyes on a tree or wall inside the house, get a few birdies to through for target practice while outside, etc. You don’t need the range to have a shooting date! xox
Such a great idea that he will be fired up about. Thanks ladies for the awesome printables.
Jennifer love the pun intended! You are so welcome, enjoy getting fired up! xox
Perfect for my hubby’s birthday! A afternoon date at the indoor gun range in town, and after dinner we can continue the game at home!
Andrea so glad this aired in time for your special celebration!!! Enjoy! xox