Quick & Easy Romance Tip: Newspaper Love Note
Today, we have an awesome quick and easy romance idea for you submitted by one of our fabulous readers, Debbie Le Starge. This secret love note idea is perfect for anyone who loves solving puzzles!
In Debbie’s Words:
“Does your husband enjoy catching up on the news? Whether it’s the sports section or Wall street, here’s a fun idea to let him know you care.
You’ll need to do this before he gets the paper or even just use a section from the day before and sneak it into the front page. Find a section or article you’re sure he’ll want to read. This way, he won’t miss it! Using different colored pencils, circle letters found in the print. Each color can be for a new word. If you don’t have colored pencils, two different colored pens will work just make sure to write lightly or circle it in a way that he can still read the news!”
How fun is that? Debbie wrote out: “I love you darling. Have a great day.” AND “I can’t wait for our date tonight sweetheart. I hope you have a wonderful day. I love you.”
This idea is super easy and perfect for anyone that loves to solve a puzzle! If your sweetie doesn’t read the newspaper, don’t despair. Leave him secret love notes in his favorite magazine. Cheers to quick and easy romance! I’ll definitely be adding this one to my list of puzzle date ideas! If you liked this quick and easy romance idea, then check out these posts:
Secret Love Notes: Use books to make a cypher or code. When it is solved, your spouse will be left with a sweet message.
Printable Custom Crossword Puzzle: Add a little love-themed puzzle fun to your spouse’s day!
This is a cute idea! Although, we don’t get the newspaper anymore! You COULD do this with magazines! Or even the ads that are placed in ALL of our mailboxes! lol Super fun!!