Bedroom “Suite” Shop Idea
By Danae Kilber
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Here is one fun idea for the bedroom to make your “suite” life sweeter!! Danae Kilber, one of our amazingly creative readers, submitted this idea and it is truly sweet!
M&M “remove your candy shell” game! I got this idea from an M&Ms commercial that aired during the Super Bowl this year, advertising their shell-free M&Ms. That got me thinking… 🙂
- Get a bag of M&Ms and a cool M&M Dispenser
{if you so choose :)}
- You and your spouse need to dress up in clothes that are the color of M&Ms. It doesn’t matter WHAT the clothing item is, as long as it’s a color you can find in a bag of M&Ms. Your outfit could look really fun…. a red sweater, yellow socks, brown hat, green leggings…and you don’t have to use EVERY color, just as long as whatever you’re wearing can be found in an M&M bag! And you can be wearing as many or as few (yikes!) clothing items as you like.
- Play the game! Take turns pulling an M&M out of the bag. Let’s say you pulled out a yellow M&M, that means if your spouse is wearing something yellow they need to take it off if they want to eat the M&M you pulled out! (oh boy!) Then feed them the M&M.
- There you go! Play the game until either the M&Ms are gone, or each of your “candy shells” are gone! 🙂
- For an even sassier spin on this game… each of you wear ONLY accessories that match the M&M colors. (Wowza!) Ex: jewelry, hats, scarves, gloves)
Adorable, right!? Thanks so much, Danae, for sharing such a creative and fun idea to spice up the bedroom! All the more reason to stash a bag full of M&Ms in your top drawer!
fun games
Instead of colored clothing, make a list of “actions” that match the colors, and have a ball.
Oh that’s a great suggestion! Love that! Thank you for sharing it with us!!