One of our readers, Mindi, sent in a super cute idea that we thought we should pass along! I will let her take over:
“It’s also a good code name. i.e. “I want to put a penny in our jar. Should we put the kids to bed?” And no one would know what you were talking about! It was a pretty simple project to do and even my husband loves the idea! The project of making the jar itself was, as I said, pretty simple. Just print out the saying on paper, glue it on to some other paper, cut out some ribbon and glue it on, get a flower or something and glue it on, cut out some fabric also cutting a hole in the middle for the penny slot, and twist the lid on!” – Mindi
What a great idea, huh! Her “code” cracks me up! Thanks again, Mindi for sharing your “Penny Idea”!
My friend’s bridal shower is this weekend, and I am going to do this idea but with a twist, I filled the jar with Hershey’s kisses, on top of the jar I will glue a paper saying ” A kiss a day keeps the counselor away”, I will put a ribbon and attach to it the ” instructions” card, stating that every time they make love they can take a kiss from the jar and exchange it with a dollar or a small note, once all the kisses are gone they can open the jar and check their “achievement” (or they can keep it going 🙂 ) hopefully I will be able to decorate it in a nice way and my friend will like it.
Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
I love the sign on the jar! Is there anywhere to get the printable??
So I told my hubby about coming across this on your site and he absolutely loved the idea! He was totally into it and decided he wanted a custom jar that no one else would have. And instead of doing pennies, we are doing dollar coins. We’ve only been married for 3 months so this will be most of our married life’s worth of “special kisses” 😀 So my hubby went onto ebay and found an old 5 gallon glass water bottle from 1930 that was originally filled with calamine lotion. We got it and it took him a lot of work to clean it out, but he really wanted that jar so we could start filling it! He also wants to make a top for it like a piggy bank and weld it on so you can’t ever get anything out unless you break it. So we’ve had it for a week or so now and we love it. Thanks so much for all your great ideas! -jordan and kevin
Jordan!! That is absolutely an ADORABLE idea! I love that your hubby is completely on board….and the one who found the jar! 🙂 We wish you MANY happy years together!
haha! I was talking to my mom about this and she said that they used to have a jar like that but they filled it with screws whenever they… you know… screwed haha 🙂 (my dad is a woodworker) occasionally the screws would dissappear (because my dad needed them!) so they’d have to fill the jar again! I thought it was so funny, so I thought I’d share!
I heard of a couple who married young without a ton of money. They could not afford a big fancy honeymoon. But they had LOVE! They did something like this, but with a dollar. The husband would come home and say "I've got a dollar in my pocket" and the wife would answer "and I know just how to spend it" They NEVER allowed themselves to use ANY of it even when things were REALLY tight!!! I can't remember which anniversary they celebrated, but with all the money they went an an extended, very elaborate "honeymoon" all those years later. SOOOO sweet!!!
What a fun idea!
Someone told us about this when we got married. We actually put a dollar in each time, and we were able to buy something cool for our first anniversary…we bought a nice tent (I know, pretty lame and not very romantic, but we really like camping!) 🙂
That is a really good idea!!
omgoodness I love this idea! But knowing my husband, he'll keep a TON of change on hand just so he could ask!
I heard about this idea when we got married. Someone told us to put a pebble in a jar everytime we had a little fun in the bedroom and then after one year take out a pebble. It will take your whole marriage to empty out the what you put in during that first year. Wish we would've done the jar. It would've been interesting to see. 🙂