At Home Date Wheel
Does life ever get a little crazy!? Maybe you don’t have time to plan a whole elaborate date night every week – or even every month! Instead of letting date night go, we came up with the perfect solution to make a spontaneous at-home date night possible any night of the week! It’s true, even as a Dating Diva life gets a little busy and sometimes date night gets forgotten in all the hustle and bustle. So why not spice things up every once in a while with Date Night at home on a spontaneous night!?! There’s no rule that says Date Night has to be on the weekend!
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Tell me if this sounds a bit familiar to you… The husband is crazy busy with work and school, money is tight and with 3 (almost 4) kids at home and my own at-home work schedule sometimes life gets a bit… routine, out of control and boring! Sometimes “date night” turns into both of us working at our desks in the office with a show playing in the background. That is definitely not the ideal date night, at least not for me. I love having date nights that allow us to connect, recharge and just chill out a bit!
You might not have the exact same things keeping you busy, but we know that life gets busy for everyone. Sometimes after a stressful day, I just crave a little fun, relaxation and one-on-one time with my hubby! It might not be on a Friday, but we can be rebels every once in a while for a spontaneous at-home date night!
But then there comes the BIG question – what should we do for date night???
Enter… the At-Home Date Wheel!
Now, on those days where I know I need some real quality time with my husband, I just send him this digital invite to let him know that I’m ready for a spontaneous date night! That way he can get excited and be prepared to help me get the kids to bed earlier so we have a little extra alone time!
The Date Wheel is so easy to put together! Just print and trim! Then all you have to do is cut out the 30 date night ideas and keep them in a safe place until you are ready to select a few to put on the Date Wheel. The options are interchangeable, so you can change them out depending on your mood or availability.
You could even laminate the Date Wheel and the date ideas so that you can reuse them over and over. This way they won’t get bent or destroyed. Genius, right?
Once we finally get the kids down and we’re ready for our date night, we just sort through and each grab 3 things that sound fun to us that night. Then we just place them on the wheel and get ready to spin!!
Oooooh! The anticipation… it’s so simple, quick and easy! No prep involved, but still super exciting! And the best thing is, each time you use the Date Wheel you can get a different result. A lot of the date ideas are things that we really love to do together but sometimes forget about. This is such a nice way to look through all the fun ideas and choose something fun to do without all the… “I don’t know, what do you wanna do?” banter.
These darling Date Wheel printables were designed by Messes to Memories. We included both a printable and a digital invite/instructions for how to use the Date Wheel for your convenience. Grab your printables and be a rebel – invite your spouse to join you for a spontaneous date night! To make this Date Wheel all come together, be sure to grab a great quality paper cutter and nice cardstock.
I always use packing tape and just fold it over the front & back if I am “laminating” something small like an index card or something. I am broke, so I work with what I got! 😉
Great post!