My adorable little sister JUST got married….last month! I am SO excited for her and I am guessing she is not the ONLY one who planned on getting married this summer….I am also guessing the majority of you have a wedding to go to sometime this coming year!! We get emails all the time asking us for ideas for wedding gifts. There are all sorts of things a bride and groom would love…..but since we tend to focus on KEEPING that spark going after the wedding bells are done ringing…..our gift idea is geared in that direction! Dating your spouse! 🙂
With Creative Stirrings’ permission….the divas did their OWN spin on a fabulous…..
Can ‘O Dates
A HUGE thanks to the FAB-U-LOUS and ever so talented Aileen from Lil’ Buckaroo Designs for helping me to put this together. LOVE YOU, girl! {If you ever need someone to design some FABULOUS invitations for you….SHE is your gal!} With her expertise….we were able to combine her design and my logo images to come up with the PERFECT gift.
This can easily be put together in a hurry! It seriously took me less than 20 minutes….once I had the container! I purchased the bucket from Michael’s for $4.99. I then printed the four printables on white cardstock & cut everything apart. The only other materials you would need would be a cutting board or scissors, ink {optional}, ribbon, and strong scrapbooking adhesive.
We have TWO different color schemes you can download. The first one matches our site! Woot, WOOT! Brown & Pink…..what do ya think??
Then we decided to go a more traditional route….and create a color scheme that would appeal to most couples. I present….the red, black, & white version!!
Super cute, huh!! OHhhhh……you are gonna need ONE more thing…..
We also included
We came up with some date ideas of our own….and combined them with ideas from Creative Stirrings, with her blessing. {Thank you!!} When I put together my own “Can ‘O Dates”…..I inked the edges a little bit, used strong scrapbooking adhesive to attach the printables to the can, and placed the date strips inside. It’s cute enough that you don’t even have to wrap it….just set it on the Gift Table with a card! 🙂 What a PERFECT wedding present, huh!?!
NOW – this doesn’t JUST have to be for weddings! This would also be a fun gift for other couples in your family for Christmas! 🙂 AND……who says others have to have all the fun?? You can put this together for you and your OWN spouse tonight!
Check out what one of our creative readers, Robin @RobbyGurl’s Creations, did with our printables….
She just happened to have a bunch of formula cans on hand and decided to create darling presents for family members for Christmas! By resizing our printables, she created the darling journal above as well as the cute smaller version of our “Can ‘O Dates.” If you want her files, click HERE. To see her original post, click HERE.
Hi I was wondering what size of can you got at Michael’s? They have a large and small one last time I checked. .
Hi I’m trying to find things to do special for me and my husband I see this idea an it looks cute but I don’t get the concept what is inside the can ???
Hi Bailey! We have a printable list of dates that you will print off, cut apart, and put inside the can. Then, you pull them out one at a time – and date night is already planned for you! It completely eliminates the “What do you want to do tonight?” question!